
Bible Usage:
- bitter used 38 times.
- bitterly used 9 times.
- bitterness used 22 times.
- First Reference: Genesis 27:34
- Last Reference: Revelation 10:10
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H4751 Used 20 times
- H4784 Used 1 time
- H4805 Used 1 time
- H4815 Used 1 time
- H4843 Used 2 times
- H4844 Used 2 times
- H4846 Used 1 time
- H8563 Used 2 times
- G4087 Used 4 times
- G4089 Used 2 times
Bitterness is symbolical of affliction, misery, and servitude (Exodus 1:14; Ruth 1:20; Jeremiah 9:15). The Chaldeans are called the "bitter and hasty nation" (Habakkuk 1:6). The "gall of bitterness" expresses a state of great wickedness (Acts 8:23). A "root of bitterness" is a wicked person or a dangerous sin (Hebrews 12:15).
The Passover was to be eaten with "bitter herbs" (Exodus 12:8; Numbers 9:11). The kind of herbs so designated is not known. Probably they were any bitter herbs obtainable at the place and time when the Passover was celebrated. They represented the severity of the servitude under which the people groaned; and have been regarded also as typical of the sufferings of Christ.
BIT'TER, adjective
1. Sharp, or biting to the taste; acrid; like wormwood.
2. Sharp; cruel; severe; as bitter enmity. Hebrews 1:1.
3. Sharp, as words, reproachful; sarcastic.
4. Sharp to the feeling; piercing; painful; that makes to smart; as a bitter cold day, or a bitter blast.
5. Painful to the mind; calamitous; poignant; as a bitter fate.
6. Afflicted; distressed.
The Egyptians made their lives bitter Exodus 1:14.
7. Hurtful; very sinful.
Is an evil and bitter thing. Jeremiah 2:19.
8. Mournful; distressing; expressive of misory; as a bitter complaint or lamentation. Job 23:2. Jeremiah 6:26.
BIT'TER, noun A substance that is bitter [See bitter ]
BIT'TER, noun [See Bitts.] In marine language, a turn of the cable which is round the bitts.
Bitter-end, that part of a cable which is abaft the bitts, and therefore within board, when the ship rides at anchor.
Eaten symbolically with the Passover.
Exodus 12:8; Numbers 9:11
The Isr'lites were commanded to eat the Paschal lamb "with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs." (Exodus 12:8) These "bitter herbs" consisted of such plants as chicory, bitter cresses, hawkweeds, sow-thistles and wild lettuces, which grow abundantly in the peninsula of Sinai, in Palestine and in Egypt. The purpose of this observance was to recall to the minds of the Isr'lites their deliverance from the bitter bondage of the Egyptians.
At Marah
Exodus 15:23
A ceremonial water used by the priest
Numbers 5:18-27
BIT'TER-GOURD, noun [bitter and gourd.] A plant, a species of Cucumis, called Colocynthis, Colocynth, Coloquintada. The fruit is of the gourd kind, having a shell inclosing a bitter pulp, which is a very drastic purgative. It is brought from the Levant, and is the bitter apple of the shops.
BIT'TERISH, adjective Somewhat bitter; bitter in a moderate degree.
BIT'TERISHNESS, noun The quality of being moderately bitter.
BIT'TERLY, adverb With a bitter taste.
1. In a severe manner; in a manner expressing poignant grief; as, to weep bitterly
2. In a manner severely reproachful; sharply; severely; angrily; as, to censure bitterly
Is found three times in connection with the desolations to come upon Babylon, Idumea, and Nineveh (Isaiah 14:23; 34:11; Zephaniah 2:14). This bird belongs to the class of cranes. Its scientific name is Botaurus stellaris. It is a solitary bird, frequenting marshy ground. The Hebrew word (kippod) thus rendered in the Authorized Version is rendered "porcupine" in the Revised Version. But in the passages noted the kippod is associated with birds, with pools of water, and with solitude and desolation. This favours the idea that not the "porcupine" but the "bittern" is really intended by the word.
A species of heron.
Isaiah 14:23; Isaiah 34:11; Zephaniah 2:14
The word occurs in (Isaiah 14:23; 34:11; Zephaniah 2:14) and we are inclined to believe that the Authorized Version is correct. The bittern (Botaurus stellaris) belongs to the Ardeid' , the heron family of birds, and is famous for the peculiar nocturnal booming sound which it emits.
BIT'TERN, noun A fowl of the grallic order, the Ardea stellaris, a native of Europe. This fowl has long legs and neck, and stalks among reeds and sedge, feeding upon fish. It makes a singular noise, called by Dryden bumping, and by Goldsmith booming.
BIT'TERN, noun [from bitter.] In salt works, the brine remaining after the salt is concreted. This being laded off, and the salt taken out of the pan, is returned, and being again boiled, yields more salt. It is used in the preparation of Epsom salt, the sulphate of magnesia, and of Glauber's salt, the sulphate of soda.
BIT'TERNESS, noun [from bitter.] A bitter taste; or rather a quality in things which excites a biting disagreeable sensation in the tongue.
1. In a figurative sense, extreme enmity, grudge, hatred; or rather an excessive degree or implacableness of passions and emotions; as the bitterness of anger. Ephesians 4:31.
2. Sharpness; severity of temper.
3. Keenness of reproach; piquancy; biting sarcasm.
4. Keen sorrow; painful affliction; vexation; deep distress of mind.
Hannah was in bitterness of soul. 1 Samuel 1:10. Job 7:11.
In the gall of bitterness in a state of extreme impiety or enmity to God. Acts 8:23.
Root of bitterness a dangerous error, or schism, tending to draw persons to apostasy. Hebrews 12:15.
BIT'TERS, noun A liquor in which bitter herbs or roots are steeped; generally a spirituous liquor, the bitter cause of intemperance, of disease, and of premature death!
BIT'TER-SALT, noun Epsom salt.
BIT'TER-SPAR, noun Rhombspar, a mineral that crystallizes in rhomboids. It is the crystallized variety of magnesian limestone.
BIT'TER-SWEET, noun [bitter and sweet.] A species of Solanum, a slender climbing plant, whose root, when chewed, produces first a bitter, then a sweet taste.
BIT'TERVETCH, noun [bitter and vetch.] A species of Ervum, or lentil, cultivated for fodder.
1. A genus of plants, known by the generic name Orobus, remarkable for their beautiful papilionaceous flowers. The tubercles of one species are in great esteem among the Highlanders of Scotland, who chew them, when dry, to give a better relish to their liquors.
BIT'TER-WORT, noun [bitter and wort.] The plant called gentian, Gentiana, which has a remarkable bitter taste.

Bible Usage:
- bitter used 38 times.
- bitterly used 9 times.
- bitterness used 22 times.
- First Reference: Genesis 27:34
- Last Reference: Revelation 10:10
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H4751 Used 20 times
- H4784 Used 1 time
- H4805 Used 1 time
- H4815 Used 1 time
- H4843 Used 2 times
- H4844 Used 2 times
- H4846 Used 1 time
- H8563 Used 2 times
- G4087 Used 4 times
- G4089 Used 2 times