Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Genesis 2:23
- Last Reference: John 19:36
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
BONE, noun
1. A firm hard substance of a dull white color, composing some part of the frame of an animal body. The bones of an animal support all the softer parts, as the flesh and vessels. They vary in texture in different bones, and in different parts of the same bone The long bones are compact in their middle portion, with a central cavity occupied by a network of plates and fibers, and cellular or spongy at the extremities. The flat bones are compact externally, and cellular internally. The bones in a fetus are soft and cartilaginous, but they gradually harden with age. The ends of the long bones are larger than the middle, which renders the articulations more firm, and in the fetus are distinct portions, called epiphyses. Bones are supplied with blood vessels, and in the fetus, or in a diseased state, are very vascular. They are probably also furnished with nerves and absorbents, though less easily detected in a sound state. They are covered with a thin, strong membrane, called the periosteum, which, together with the bones, has very little sensibility in a sound state, but when inflamed, is extremely sensible. Their cells and cavities are occupied by a fatty substance, called the medulla or marrow. They consist of earthy matter, rather more than half, gelatin, one sixteenth, and cartilage, about one third of the whole. The earthy matter gives them their solidity, and consists of phosphate of lime, with a small portion of carbonate of lime and phosphate of magnesia.
2. A piece of bone with fragments of meat adhering to it.
To be upon the bones, is to attack. [Little used, and vulgar.]
To make no bones, is to make no scruple; a metaphor taken from a dog who greedily swallows meat that has no bones.
BONEs, a sort of bobbins, made of trotter bones, for weaving lace; also dice.
BONE, verb transitive To take out bones from the flesh, as in cookery.
1. To put whale bone into stays.
BO'NE-ACE, noun [bone and ace.] A game at cards, in which he who has the highest card turned up to him, wins the bone, that is, one half the state.
BO'NE-ACHE, noun Pain in the bones.
BO'NED, participle passive Deprived of bones, as in cookery.
BO'NED adjective Having bones; used in composition; as high-boned; strong-boned.
BO'NELACAE, noun [bone and lace.] A lace made of linen thread, so called because made with bobbins of bone, or for its stiffness.
BO'NELESS, adjective Without bones; wanting bones; as boneless gums.
Vision of the dry
Ezekiel 37:1-14
None of Christ's broken
Psalms 34:20; John 19:36
BO'NE-SET, verb transitive [bone and set.] To set a dislocated bone; to unite broken bones.
BO'NE-SET, noun A plant, the thorough-wort, a species of Eupatorium.
BO'NE-SETTER, noun [bone and set.] One whose occupation is to set, and restore broken and dislocated bones.
BO'NE-SETTING, noun That branch of surgery which consists in replacing broken and luxated bones; the practice of setting bones.
BO'NE-SPAVIN, noun [bone and spavin.] A bony excrescence, or hard swelling, on the inside of the hock of a horse's leg; usually cured by blistering and firing, or caustic blisters.
BONET'TA, noun A sea fish.