
Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Song of Solomon 5:12
- Last Reference: John 2:16
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
In their wild state doves generally build their nests in the clefts of rocks, but when domesticated "dove-cots" are prepared for them (Song of Solomon 2:14; Jeremiah 48:28; Isaiah 60:8). The dove was placed on the standards of the Assyrians and Babylonians in honour, it is supposed, of Semiramis (Jeremiah 25:38; Vulg., "fierceness of the dove;" comp. Jeremiah 46:16; 50:16). Doves and turtle-doves were the only birds that could be offered in sacrifice, as they were clean according to the Mosaic law (Genesis 15:9; Leviticus 5:7; 12:6; Luke 2:24). The dove was the harbinger of peace to Noah (Genesis 8:8, 10). It is often mentioned as the emblem of purity (Psalms 68:13). It is a symbol of the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:2; Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22; John 1:32); also of tender and devoted affection (Song of Solomon 1:15; 2:14). David in his distress wished that he had the wings of a dove, that he might fly away and be at rest (Psalms 55:6-8). There is a species of dove found at Damascus "whose feathers, all except the wings, are literally as yellow as gold" (68:13).
The first menton of this bird occurs in Gen. 8. The dove's rapidity of flight is alluded to in (Psalms 55:6) the beauty of its plumage in (Psalms 68:13) its dwelling int he rocks and valleys in (Jeremiah 48:28) and Ezekiel 7:16 Its mournful voice in (Isaiah 38:14; 59:11; Nahum 2:7) its harmlessness in (Matthew 10:16) its simplicity in (Hosea 7:11) and its amativeness in (Solomon 1:15; 2:14) Doves are kept in a domesticated state in many parts of the East. In Persia pigeon-houses are erected at a distance from the dwellings, for the purpose of collecting the dung as manure. There is probably an allusion to such a custom in (Isaiah 60:8)
DOVE, noun [G.]
1. The oenas, or domestic pigeon, a species of Columba. Its color is a deep bluish ash color; the breast is dashed with a fine changeable green and purple; the sides of the neck, with a copper color. In a wild state, it builds its nest in holes of rocks or in hollow trees, but it is easily domesticated, and forms one of the luxuries of the table.
2. A word of endearment, or an emblem of innocence. Song of Solomon 2:14.
Sent out from the ark by Noah
Genesis 8:8-11
Mourning of
Isaiah 38:14; Isaiah 59:11; Nahum 2:7
Isaiah 60:8
Nests of
Jeremiah 48:28
Harmlessness of, typical of Christ's gentleness
Matthew 10:16
Sacrificial uses of
Genesis 15:9
Prescribed for purification:
Of women
Leviticus 12:6; Leviticus 12:8; Luke 2:24
Of Nazarites
Numbers 6:10
Of lepers
Leviticus 14:22
Burnt offering of
Leviticus 1:14-17
Trespass offering of, for the impecunious
Leviticus 5:7-10; Leviticus 12:8
Sin offering, for those who touched any dead body
Numbers 6:10
Market for, in the temple
Matthew 21:12; John 2:14
Symbolic of the Holy Spirit
Matthew 3:16; Luke 3:22; John 1:32
DOVE-COT, noun A small building or box in which domestic pigeons breed.
DOVE-HOUSE, noun A house or shelter for doves.
DOVELIKE, adjective Resembling a dove.
Various explanations have been given of the passage in (2 Kings 6:25) Bochart has labored to show that it denotes a species of cicer , "chick-pea," which he says the Arabs call usnan , and sometimes improperly "dove's" or "sparrow's dung." Great quantities of these are sold in Cairo to the pilgrims going to Mecca. Later authorities incline to think it the bulbous root of the Star of Bethlehem (ornithogalum , i.e. bird-milk), a common root in Palestine, and sometimes eaten.
ED. It can scarcely be believed that even in the worst horrors of a siege a substance so vile as is implied by the literal rendering should have been used for food.
(2 Kings 6:25) has been generally understood literally. There are instances in history of the dung of pigeons being actually used as food during a famine. Compare also the language of Rabshakeh to the Jews (2 Kings 18:27; Isaiah 36:12). This name, however, is applied by the Arabs to different vegetable substances, and there is room for the opinion of those who think that some such substance is here referred to, as, e.g., the seeds of a kind of millet, or a very inferior kind of pulse, or the root of the ornithogalum, i.e., bird-milk, the star-of-Bethlehem.
DOVES-FOOT, noun A plant, a species of Geranium.
DOVESHIP, noun The qualities of a dove.
DOVE-TAIL, noun In carpentry, the manner of fastening boards and timbers together by letting one piece into another in the form of a doves tail spread, or wedge reversed, so that it cannot be drawn out. This is the strongest of all the fastenings or jointings.
DOVE-TAIL, verb transitive To unite by a tenon in form of a pigeons tail spread, let into a board or timber.
DOVE-TAILED, participle passive United by a tenon in form of a doves tail.
DOVE-TAILING, participle present tense Uniting by a dove-tail.

Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Song of Solomon 5:12
- Last Reference: John 2:16
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance: