



The Bible

Bible Usage:


  • Included in Eastons: No
  • Included in Hitchcocks: No
  • Included in Naves: No
  • Included in Smiths: No
  • Included in Websters: Yes
  • Included in Strongs: Yes
  • Included in Thayers: No
  • Included in BDB: Yes

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Webster's 1828 Dictionary

M'ART, noun [from market.] A place of sale or traffick. It was formerly applied chiefly to markets and fairs in cities and towns, but it has now a more extensive application. We say, the United States are a principal mart for English goods; England and France are the marts of American cotton.

1. Bargain; purchase and sale. [Not used.]

M'ART, verb transitive To buy and sell; to traffick. [Not used.]

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

M'ARTAGON, noun A kind of lily.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

M'ARTEL, verb transitive To strike.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

MARTEN. [See Martin.]

M'ARTEN, noun An animal of the genus Mustela, or weasel kind, whose fur is used in making hats and muffs.

Easton's Bible Dictionary

Bitterness, the sister of Lazarus and Mary, and probably the eldest of the family, who all resided at Bethany (Luke 10:38, 40, 41; John 11:1-39). From the residence being called "her house," some have supposed that she was a widow, and that her brother and sister lodged with her. She seems to have been of an anxious, bustling spirit, anxious to be helpful in providing the best things for the Master's use, in contrast to the quiet earnestness of Mary, who was more concerned to avail herself of the opportunity of sitting at his feet and learning of him. Afterwards at a supper given to Christ and his disciples in her house "Martha served." Nothing further is known of her.

"Mary and Martha are representatives of two orders of human character. One was absorbed, preoccupied, abstracted; the other was concentrated and single-hearted. Her own world was the all of Martha; Christ was the first thought with Mary. To Martha life was a succession of particular businesses;' to Mary life 'was rather the flow of one spirit.' Martha was Petrine, Mary was Johannine. The one was a well-meaning, bustling busybody; the other was a reverent disciple, a wistful listener." Paul had such a picture as that of Martha in his mind when he spoke of serving the Lord "without distraction" (1 Corinthians 7:35).

Hitchcock's Names Dictionary

who becomes bitter; provoking

Naves Topical Index

Sister of Mary and Lazarus
John 11:1

Ministers to Jesus
Luke 10:38-42; John 12:2

Beloved by Jesus
John 11:5
Lazarus; Mary

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(a lady), the sister of Lazarus and Mary. [LAZARUS] The facts recorded in Luke 10 and John 11 indicate a character devout after the customary Jewish type of devotion, sharing in Messianic hopes and accepting Jesus as the Christ. When she first comes before us, (Luke 10:38) her spirit is "cumbered with much serving," is "careful and troubled about many things." Her love, though imperfect in its form, is yet recognized as true, and she has the distinction of being one whom Jesus loved. (John 11:5) Her position is obviously that of the elder sister the head and manager of the household. In the supper at Bethany (John 12:2) the old character shows itself still, but it has been freed from evil. She is no longer "cumbered," no longer impatient. Activity has been calmed by trust.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

M'ARTIAL, adjective [Latin martialis; Mars, the god of war.]

1. Pertaining to war; suited to war; as martial equipage; martial music; a martial appearance.

2. Warlike; brave; given to war; as a martial nation or people.

3. Suited to battle; as a martial array.

4. Belonging to war, or to an army and navy; opposed to civil; as martial law; a court martial

5. Pertaining to Mars, or borrowing the properties of that planet.

The natures of the fixed start are esteemed martial or jovial, according to the colors by which they answer to those planets.

6. Having the properties if iron, called by the old chimists, Mars.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

M'ARTIALISM, noun Bravery; martial exercises. [Not in use.]

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

M'ARTIALIST, noun A warrior; a fighter. [Not used.]

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

M'ARTIN, noun [Latin murus.] A bird of the genus Hirundo, which forms its nest in buildings. It was formerly written by some authors martlet.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary


M'ARTINETS, noun In ships, martinets are small lines fastened to the leech of a sail, to bring it close to the yard when the sail is furled.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary


1. A strap or thong fastened to the girth under a horse's belly, and at the other end to the muss-roll, passing between the fore legs.

2. In ships, a rope extending from the jibboom, to the end of a bumpkin under the cap of the bowsprit.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

M'ARTINMAS, noun [Martin and mass.] The feast of St. Martin, the eleventh of November.

M'ARTLET, noun [See Martin.] Martlets, in heraldry, are little birds represented without feed, used as a mark of distinction for younger brothers of a family, who are thus admonished that they are to trust for promotion to the wings of merit.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

M'ARTLET, noun In military language, a strict disciplinarian; so called from an officer of that name.

Easton's Bible Dictionary

One who bears witness of the truth, and suffers death in the cause of Christ (Acts 22:20; Revelation 2:13; 17:6). In this sense Stephen was the first martyr. The Greek word so rendered in all other cases is translated "witness."

1. In a court of justice (Matthew 18:16; 26:65; Acts 6:13; 7:58; Hebrews 10:28; 1 Timothy 5:19).

2. As of one bearing testimony to the truth of what he has seen or known (Luke 24:48; Acts 1:8, 22; Romans 1:9; 1 Thessalonians 2:5, 10; 1 John 1:2).

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

M'ARTYR, noun [Gr. a witness.] One who, by his death, bears witness to the truth of the gospel. Stephen was the first christian martyr

To be a martyr signifies only to witness the truth of Christ.

1. One who suffers death in defense of any cause. We say, a man dies a martyr to his political principles or to the cause of liberty.

M'ARTYR, verb transitive To put to death for adhering to what one believes to be the truth; to sacrifice one on account of his faith or profession.

1. To murder; to destroy.

Naves Topical Index

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

M'ARTYRDOM, noun The death of a martyr; the suffering of death on account of one's adherence to the faith of the gospel.

He intends to crown their innocence with the glory of martyrdom

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

M'ARTYRIZE, verb transitive To offer as a martyr. [Little used.]

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

MARTYROLOG'ICAL, adjective Registering or registered in a catalogue or martyrs.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

MARTYROL'OGIST, noun A writer of martyrology, or an account of martyrs.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

MARTYROL'OGY, noun [Gr. a witness, and discourse.] A history or account of martyrs with their sufferings; or a register of martyrs.

The Bible

Bible Usage:


  • Included in Eastons: No
  • Included in Hitchcocks: No
  • Included in Naves: No
  • Included in Smiths: No
  • Included in Websters: Yes
  • Included in Strongs: Yes
  • Included in Thayers: No
  • Included in BDB: Yes

Strongs Concordance: