Bible Usage:
- strange used 76 times.
- strangely used once.
- stranger used 129 times.
- strangers used 79 times.
- stranger's used twice.
- First Reference: Genesis 35:2
- Last Reference: Jude 1:7
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H1970 Used 1 time
- H2054 Used 1 time
- H2114 Used 14 times
- H312 Used 1 time
- H5234 Used 1 time
- H5235 Used 1 time
- H5236 Used 17 times
- H5237 Used 17 times
- H6012 Used 2 times
- G1854 Used 1 time
- G2087 Used 1 time
- G245 Used 1 time
- G3579 Used 2 times
- G3581 Used 2 times
STRANGE, adjective [Latin]
1. Foreign; belonging to anther country.
I do not contemn the knowledge of strange and divers tongues. [This sense is nearly obsolete.
2. Not domestic; belonging to others.
So she impatient her own faults to see, turns from herself, and in strange things delights. [Nearly obsolete.]
3. New; not before known, heard or seen. The former custom was familiar; the latter was new and strange to them. Hence,
4. Wonderful; causing surprise; exciting curiosity. It is strange that men will not receive improvement, when it is shown to be improvement.
Sated at length, ere long I might perceive strange alteration in me.
5. Odd; unusual; irregular; not according to the common way.
Hes strange and peevish.
6. Remote. [Little used.]
7. Uncommon; unusual.
This made David to admire the law of god at that strange rate.
8. Unacquainted.
They were now at a gage, looking strange at one another.
9. strange is sometimes uttered by way of exclamation.
STRANGE! What extremes should thus preserve the snow, high on the Alps, or in deep caves below.
This is an elliptical expression for it is strange
STRANGE, verb transitive To alienate; to estrange. [Not in use.]
STRANGE, verb intransitive
1. To wonder; to be astonished. [Not in use.]
2. To be estranged or alienated. [Not in use.]
1. With some relation to foreigners.
2. Wonderfully; in a manner or degree to excite surprise or wonder.
How strangely active are the acts of peace.
It would strangely delight you to see with what spirit he converses.
1. Foreignness; the state of belonging to another country.
If I will obey the gospel, no distance of place, no strangeness of country can make any man a stranger to me.
2. Distance in behavior; reserve; coldness; forbidding manner.
Will you not observe the strangeness of his alterd countenance?
3. Remoteness from common manners or notions; uncouthness.
Men worthier than himself here tend the savage strangeness he puts on.
4. Alienation of mind; estrangement; mutual dislike.
This might seem a means to continue a strangeness between two nations. [This sense is obsolete or little used.
5. Wonderfulness; the power of exciting surprise and wonder; uncommonness that raises wonder by novelty.
This raised greater tumults in the hearts of men than the strangeness and seeming unreasonableness of all the former articles.
This word generally denotes a person from a foreign land residing in Palestine. Such persons enjoyed many privileges in common with the Jews, but still were separate from them. The relation of the Jews to strangers was regulated by special laws (Deuteronomy 23:3; 24:14-21; 25:5; 26:10-13). A special signification is also sometimes attached to this word. In Genesis 23:4 it denotes one resident in a foreign land; Exodus 23:9, one who is not a Jew; Numbers 3:10, one who is not of the family of Aaron; Psalms 69:8, an alien or an unknown person. The Jews were allowed to purchase strangers as slaves (Leviticus 25:44, 45), and to take usury from them (Deuteronomy 23:20).
A "stranger," in the technical sense of the term, may be defined to be a person of foreign, i.e. non-Isr'litish, extraction resident within the limits of the promised land. He was distinct from the proper "foreigner," inasmuch as the latter still belonged to another country, and would only visit Palestine as a traveller: he was still more distinct from the "nations," or non-Isr'lite peoples. The term may be compared with our expression "naturalized foreigner." The terms applied to the "stranger" have special reference to the fact of residing in the land. The existence of such a class of persons among the Isr'lites is easily accounted for the "mixed multitude" that accompanied them out of Egypt, (Exodus 12:38) formed one element the Canaanitish Population,which was never wholly extirpated from their native soil, formed another and a still more important one captives taken in war formed a third; fugitives, hired servants, merchants, etc., formed a fourth. With the exception of the Moabites and Ammonites, (23:3) all nations were admissible to the rights of citizenship under certain conditions. The stranger appears to have been eligible to all civil offices, that of king excepted. (17:15) In regard to religion, it was absolutely necessary that the stranger should not infringe any of the fundamental laws of the Isr'litish state. If he were a bondman, he was obliged to submit to circumcision, (Exodus 12:44) if he were independent, it was optional with him but if he remained uncircumcised, he was prohibited from partaking of the Passover, (Exodus 12:48) and could not be regarded as a full citizen. Liberty was also given to an uncircumcised stranger in regard to the use of prohibited food. Assuming, however, that the stranger was circumcised, no distinction existed in regard to legal rights ha between the stranger and the Isr'lite; to the Isr'lite is enjoined to treat him as a brother. (Leviticus 19:34; 10:19) It also appears that the "stranger" formed the class whence the hirelings were drawn; the terms being coupled together in (Exodus 12:45; Leviticus 22:10; 25:6,40) The liberal spirit of the Mosaic regulations respecting strangers presents a strong contrast to the rigid exclusiveness of the Jews at the commencement of the Christian era. The growth of this spirit dates from the time of the Babylonish captivity.
1. A foreigner; one who belongs to another country. Paris and London are visited by strangers from all the countries of Europe.
2. One of another town, city, state or province in the same country. The Commencements in American colleges are frequented by multitudes of strangers from the neighboring towns and states.
3. One unknown. The gentleman is a stranger to me.
4. One unacquainted.
My child is yet a stranger to the world.
I was no stranger to the original.
5. A guest; a visitor.
6. One not admitted to any communication or fellowship.
Melons on beds of ice are taught to bear, and strangers to the sun yet ripen here.
7. In law, one not privy or party to an act.
STRANGER, verb intransitive To estrange; to alienate. [Not in use.]
Mosaic law relating to:
Authorized bondservice of
Leviticus 25:44-45
Usury of
Deuteronomy 15:3; Deuteronomy 23:20
Sale to, of flesh of animals that had died
Deuteronomy 14:21
Forbid their being made kings over Israel
Deuteronomy 17:15
Forbid their eating the Passover
Exodus 12:43; Exodus 12:48
Forbid their eating things offered in sacrifice
Exodus 29:33; Leviticus 22:10; Leviticus 22:12; Leviticus 22:25
Forbid their blaspheming
Leviticus 24:16
Forbid their approaching the tabernacle
Numbers 1:51
Forbid their eating blood
Leviticus 17:10
Forbid injustice to
Exodus 12:49; Leviticus 24:22; Numbers 9:14; Deuteronomy 1:16; Jeremiah 22:3
Forbid oppression of
Deuteronomy 24:14; Deuteronomy 24:17; Deuteronomy 27:19; Jeremiah 22:3
Instances of oppression of
Ezekiel 22:29; Malachi 3:5
Required to observe the Sabbath
Exodus 20:10; Exodus 23:12
Might offer oblations
Leviticus 17:8; Leviticus 22:18-19
Were buried in separate burial places
Matthew 27:7
Kindness to the poor of, required
Leviticus 25:35-38
Love of, enjoined
Deuteronomy 10:18-19
Abhorrence of, forbidden
Deuteronomy 23:7
Marriage with, forbidden
Deuteronomy 25:5
Hospitality to
Hospitality; Alms; Heathen; Proselyte