Bible Usage:
- Ether used twice.
- First Reference: Joshua 15:42
- Last Reference: Joshua 19:7
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: Yes
- Included in Naves: Yes
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H6281 Used 2 times
A city of Caanan.
Assigned to Judah
Joshua 15:42
Subsequently allotted to Simeon
Joshua 19:7
Called Tochen
1 Chronicles 4:32
(abundance), one of the cities of Judah in the low country, the Shefelah , (Joshua 15:42) allotted to Simeon. (Joshua 19:7)
E'THER, noun [Latin oether; Gr. to burn, to shine; Eng. weather.]
1. A thin, subtil matter, much finer and rarer than air, which, some philosophers suppose, begins from the limits of the atmosphere and occupies the heavenly space.
There fields of light and liquid ether flow.
2. In chimistry, a very light, volatile and inflammable fluid, produced by the distillation of alcohol or rectified spirit of wine, with an acid. It is lighter than alcohol, of a strong sweet smell, susceptible of great expansion, and of a pungent taste. It is so volatile, that when shaken it is dissipated in an instant.
ETHE'REAL, adjective Formed of ether; containing or filled with ether; as ethereal space; ethereal regions.
1. Heavenly; celestial; as ethereal messenger.
2. Consisting of ether or spirit.
Vast chain of being, which from God began,
Natures ethereal human, angel, man.
ETHE'REOUS, adjective Formed of ether; heavenly.
ETHERIALIZE, verb transitive To convert into ether, or into a very subtil fluid.
ETHERIALIZED, participle passive Converted into ether or a very subtil fluid; as an etherialized and incorporeal substrate.
E'THERIZE, verb transitive To convert into ether.
E'THERIZED, participle passive Converted into ether.
E'THERIZING, participle present tense Converting into ether.
Bible Usage:
- Ether used twice.
- First Reference: Joshua 15:42
- Last Reference: Joshua 19:7
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: Yes
- Included in Naves: Yes
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H6281 Used 2 times