

The Bible

Bible Usage:


  • Included in Eastons: Yes
  • Included in Hitchcocks: No
  • Included in Naves: Yes
  • Included in Smiths: Yes
  • Included in Websters: Yes
  • Included in Strongs: Yes
  • Included in Thayers: No
  • Included in BDB: Yes

Strongs Concordance:


Easton's Bible Dictionary

The Hebrew word so rendered means "boiling" or "effervescing." From Isaiah 33:12 it appears that lime was made in a kiln lighted by thorn-bushes. In Amos 2:1 it is recorded that the king of Moab "burned the bones of the king of Edom into lime." The same Hebrew word is used in Deuteronomy 27:2-4, and is there rendered "plaster." Limestone is the chief constituent of the mountains of Syria.

Naves Topical Index

Smith's Bible Dictionary

the substance obtained form limestone, shells, etc., by heat. It is noticed only three times in the Bible, viz., in (27:2) (Authorized Version "plaster"), (Isaiah 33:12) and Amos 2:1

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

LIME, noun [Latin limus; Gr. and allied to clammy. On this word is formed slime.]

1. A viscous substance, sometimes laid on twigs for catching birds.

2. Calcarious earth, oxyd of calcium, procured from chalk and certain stones and shells, by expelling from them the carbonic acid, by means of a strong heat in a furnace. The best lime for mortar or cement is obtained from limestone, or carbonate of lime of which marble is a fine species.

3. The linden tree.

4. [See Lemon.] A species of acid fruit, smaller than the lemon.

LIME, verb transitive

1. To smear with a viscous substance.

2. To entangle; to ensnare.

3. To manure with lime

Land may be improved by draining, marling and liming.

4. To cement.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

LI'ME-BURNER, noun One who burns stones to lime.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

LI'MED, participle passive Smeared with lime; entangled; manured with lime.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

LI'MEHOUND, noun A dog used in hunting the wild boar; a limer.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

LIMEKILN, noun li'mekil. A kiln or furnace in which stones or shells are exposed to a strong heat and reduced to lime.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

LI'MESTONE, noun Stone of which lime is made by the expulsion of its carbonic acid, or fixed air. It is called carbonate of lime. Of this there are several species.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

LI'METWIG, noun A twig smeared with lime.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

LI'METWIGGED, adjective Smeared with lime.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

LI'MEWATER, noun Water impregnated with lime.

The Bible

Bible Usage:


  • Included in Eastons: Yes
  • Included in Hitchcocks: No
  • Included in Naves: Yes
  • Included in Smiths: Yes
  • Included in Websters: Yes
  • Included in Strongs: Yes
  • Included in Thayers: No
  • Included in BDB: Yes

Strongs Concordance: