

The Bible

Bible Usage:


  • Included in Eastons: Yes
  • Included in Hitchcocks: No
  • Included in Naves: Yes
  • Included in Smiths: No
  • Included in Websters: Yes
  • Included in Strongs: Yes
  • Included in Thayers: Yes
  • Included in BDB: No

Strongs Concordance:


Easton's Bible Dictionary

(Acts 5:21), the "elders of Israel" who formed a component part of the Sanhedrin.

Naves Topical Index

The Sanhedrin
Acts 5:21

Senator, an elder
Psalms 105:22
Elder; Government

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

SEN'ATE, noun [Latin senatus, from senex, old.]

1.An a assembly or council of senators; a body of the principal inhabitants of the city or state,

with a share in the government. The senate of ancient Rome was one of the most illustrious bodies of men that ever bore this name. Some of the Swiss cantons have a senate, either legislative or executive.

2. In the United States, senate denotes the higher branch or house of legislature. Such is the senate of the United States, or upper house of the congress; and in most of the states, the higher and least numerous branch of the legislature, is called the senate. In the U. States, the senate is an elective body.

3. In a looser sense, Any legislative or deliberative boky of men; as the eloquence of the senate.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

SEN'ATE-HOUSE, noun A house in which a senate meets, or a place of public council.

The Bible

Bible Usage:


  • Included in Eastons: Yes
  • Included in Hitchcocks: No
  • Included in Naves: Yes
  • Included in Smiths: No
  • Included in Websters: Yes
  • Included in Strongs: Yes
  • Included in Thayers: Yes
  • Included in BDB: No

Strongs Concordance: