
Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Exodus 2:8
- Last Reference: Matthew 2:20
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: No
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: No
This word has considerable latitude of meaning in Scripture. Thus Joseph is called a child at the time when he was probably about sixteen years of age (Genesis 37:3); and Benjamin is so called when he was above thirty years (44:20). Solomon called himself a little child when he came to the kingdom (1 Kings 3:7).
The descendants of a man, however remote, are called his children; as, "the children of Edom," "the children of Moab," "the children of Israel."
In the earliest times mothers did not wean their children till they were from thirty months to three years old; and the day on which they were weaned was kept as a festival day (Genesis 21:8; Exodus 2:7, 9; 1 Samuel 1:22-24; Matthew 21:16). At the age of five, children began to learn the arts and duties of life under the care of their fathers (Deuteronomy 6:20-25; 11:19).
To have a numerous family was regarded as a mark of divine favour (Genesis 11:30; 30:1; 1 Samuel 2:5; 2 Samuel 6:23; Psalms 127:3; 128:3).
Figuratively the name is used for those who are ignorant or narrow-minded (Matthew 11:16; Luke 7:32; 1 Corinthians 13:11). "When I was a child, I spake as a child." "Brethren, be not children in understanding" (1 Corinthians 14:20). "That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro" (Ephesians 4:14).
Children are also spoken of as representing simplicity and humility (Matthew 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17). Believers are "children of light" (Luke 16:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:5) and "children of obedience" (1 Peter 1:14).
CHILD, noun
1. A son or a daughter; a male or female descendant, in the first degree; the immediate progeny of parents; applied to the human race, and chiefly to a person when young. The term is applied to infants from their birth; but the time when they cease ordinarily to be so called, is not defined by custom. In strictness, a child is the shoot, issue or produce of the parents, and a person of any age, in respect to the parents, is a child
An infant.
Hagar cast the child under one of the shrubs. Genesis 21:8.
It signifies also a person of more advanced years.
Jephthas daughter was his only child Judges 11:34.
The child shall behave himself proudly. Isaiah 3:5.
A curse will be on those who corrupt the morals of their children.
The application of child to a female in opposition to a male, as in Shakspeare, is not legitimate.
2. One weak in knowledge, experience, judgment or attainments; as, he is a mere child
Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a child Jeremiah 1:6.
3. One young in grace. 1 John 2:1.
One who is unfixed in principles. Ephesians 4:1.
4. One who is born again, spiritually renewed and adopted; as a child of God.
5. One who is the product of another; or whose principles and morals are the product of another.
Thou child of the devil. Acts 13:10.
That which is the product or effect of something else.
This noble passion, child of integrity.
6. In the plural, the descendants of a man however remote; as the children of Israel; the children of Edom.
7. The inhabitants of a country; as the children of Seir. 2 Chronicles 25:1.
To be with child to be pregnant. Genesis 16:11, Gen 19:36.
CHILD, verb intransitive To bring children.
CHILD-BEARING, adjective or participle present tense [See Bear.] Bearing or producing children.
CHILD-BEARING, noun The act of producing or bringing forth children; parturition.
CHILDBED, noun The state of a woman bringing forth a child or being in labor; parturition.
CHILDBIRTH, noun The act of bringing forth a child; travail; labor; as the pains of childbirth
CHILDED, adjective Furnished with a child.
CHILDERMAS DAY, noun An anniversary of the church of England, held on the 28th of December, in commemoration of the children of Bethlehem slain by Herod; called also Innocents Day.
1. The state of a child, or the time in which persons are children, including the time from birth to puberty. But in a more restricted sense, the state or time from infancy to puberty. Thus we say, infancy, childhood youth and manhood.
CHILDHOOD and youth are vanity. Ecclesiastes 11:10.
2. The properties of a child.
CHILDING, participle present tense Bearing children; producing; as childing women.
CHILDISH, adjective
1. Belonging to a child; trifling; puerile.
When I became a man, I put away childish things. 1 Corinthians 13:11.
2. Pertaining to a child; as childish yeas or age; childish sports.
3. Pertaining to children; ignorant; silly; weak; as childish fear.
CHILDISHLY, adverb In the manner of a child; in a trifling way; in a weak or foolish manner.
CHILDISHNESS, noun Triflingness, puerility, the state or qualities of a child, in reference to manners. But in reference to the mind, simplicity, harmlessness, weakness of intellect.
A reproach
Genesis 16:2; Genesis 29:32; Genesis 30:1-3; Genesis 30:13; 1 Samuel 1:6; Isaiah 4:1; Luke 1:25
CHILDLIKE, adjective Resembling a child or that which belongs to children; becoming a child; meek; submissive; dutiful; as childlike obedience.
CHILDLY, adjective Like a child.
In answer to prayer:
To Abraham
Genesis 15:2-5; Genesis 21:1-2
To Isaac
Genesis 25:21
To Leah
Genesis 30:17-22
To Rachel
Genesis 30:22-24
To Hannah
1 Samuel 1:9-20
To Zacharias
Luke 1:13
Treatment of, at birth
Ezekiel 16:4-6; Luke 2:7; Luke 2:12
Circumcision of
Dedicated to God in infancy:
Judges 13:5; Judges 13:7
1 Samuel 1:24-28
Promised to the righteous
Deuteronomy 7:12; Deuteronomy 7:14; Job 5:25; Psalms 128:2-4; Psalms 128:6
Weaning of
Genesis 21:8; 1 Samuel 1:22; 1 Kings 11:20; Psalms 131:2; Isaiah 28:9
Nurses for
Exodus 2:7-9; Acts 7:20; Ruth 4:16; 2 Samuel 4:4; 2 Kings 11:2
Taught to walk
Hosea 11:3
Tutors and governors for
2 Kings 10:1; Acts 22:3; Galatians 3:24; Galatians 4:1-2
Bastard, excluded from the privileges of the congregation
Deuteronomy 23:2; Hebrews 12:8
Early piety of:
1 Samuel 2:18; 1 Samuel 9:3
Jeremiah 1:5-7
John the Baptist
Luke 1:15; Luke 1:80
Luke 2:40; Luke 2:46-47; Luke 2:52
Difference made between male and female in Mosiac law
Leviticus 12:1-8
Partiality of parents among:
Rebekah for Jacob
Genesis 27:6-17
Jacob for Joseph
Genesis 37:3-4
Partiality among, forbidden
Deuteronomy 21:15-17
Love of, for parents:
Of Ruth
Ruth 1:16-18
Of Jesus
John 19:26-27
2 Kings 17:31; Ezekiel 16:20-21
Caused to pass through fire
2 Kings 16:3; Jeremiah 32:35; Ezekiel 16:21
Sold for debt
2 Kings 4:1; Nehemiah 5:5; Job 24:9; Matthew 18:25
Sold in marriage
Law concerning
Exodus 21:7-11
Instance of, Leah and Rachel
Genesis 29:15-30
Edict to murder:
Of Pharaoh
Exodus 1:22
Of Jehu
2 Kings 10:1-8
Of Herod
Matthew 2:16-18
Share benefits of covenant privileges guaranteed to parents
Genesis 6:18; Genesis 12:7; Genesis 13:15; Genesis 17:7-8; Genesis 19:12; Genesis 21:13; Genesis 26:3-5; Genesis 26:24; Leviticus 26:44-45; Isaiah 65:23; 1 Corinthians 7:14
Bound by covenants of parents
Genesis 17:9-14
Involved in guilt of parents
Exodus 20:5; Exodus 34:7; Leviticus 20:5; Leviticus 26:39-42; Numbers 14:18; Numbers 14:33; 1 Kings 21:29; Job 21:19; Psalms 37:28; Isaiah 14:20-21; Isaiah 65:6-7; Jeremiah 32:18; Daniel 6:24
Not punished for parents' sake
Jeremiah 31:29-30; Ezekiel 18:1-30
Death of, as a judgment upon parents:
Firstborn of Egypt
Exodus 12:29
Sons of Eli
1 Samuel 3:13-14
Sons of Saul
1 Samuel 28:18-19
David's child by Uriah's wife
2 Samuel 12:14-19
Miracles in behalf of, raised from the dead:
Miracles in behalf of, raised from the dead:
1 Kings 17:17-23
By Elisha
2 Kings 4:17-36
By Jesus
Matthew 9:18; Matthew 9:24-26; Mark 5:35-42; Luke 7:13-15; Luke 8:49-56
Healing of
Matthew 15:28; Matthew 17:18; Mark 7:29-30; Mark 9:23-27; Luke 8:42-56; Luke 9:38-42; John 4:46-54
Character of, known by conduct
Proverbs 20:11
Blessed by Jesus
Matthew 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-16
Future state of
Matthew 18:10; Matthew 19:14
Galatians 4:1-2
Of ministers
1 Timothy 3:4; Titus 1:6
Alienated, Ishmael, to gratify Sarah
Genesis 21:9-15
Amusements of
Job 21:11; Zech 8:5; Matthew 11:16-17; Luke 7:31-32
The gift of God
Genesis 4:1; Genesis 4:25; Genesis 17:16; Genesis 17:20; Genesis 28:3; Genesis 29:32-35; Genesis 30:2; Genesis 30:6; Genesis 30:17-20; Genesis 30:22-24; Genesis 33:5; Ruth 4:13; Job 1:21; Psalms 107:38; Psalms 107:41; Psalms 113:9; Psalms 127:3
God's care of
Exodus 22:22-24; Deuteronomy 10:18; Deuteronomy 14:29; Job 29:12; Psalms 10:14; Psalms 10:17-18; Psalms 27:10; Psalms 68:5; Psalms 146:9; Jeremiah 49:11; Hosea 14:3; Malachi 3:5
A blessing
Genesis 5:29; Genesis 30:1; Psalms 127:3-5; Proverbs 17:6; Isaiah 54:1; Jeremiah 20:15
Commandments to
General references
Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16; Matthew 15:4; Matthew 19:19; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Ephesians 6:2-3; Leviticus 19:3; Leviticus 19:32; Psalms 119:9; Psalms 148:12-13; Proverbs 1:8-9; Proverbs 3:1-3; Proverbs 4:1-4; Proverbs 4:10-11; Proverbs 4:20-22; Proverbs 5:1-2; Proverbs 6:20-25; Proverbs 8:32-33; Proverbs 23:22; Proverbs 23:26; Proverbs 27:11; Ecclesiastes 12:1; Lamentations 3:27; Ephesians 6:1; Colossians 3:20; 1 Timothy 4:12; 2 Timothy 2:22; Titus 2:6
Young Men
Counsel of parents to
Counsel of parents to
1 Kings 2:1-4; 1 Chronicles 22:6-13; 1 Chronicles 28:9-10; 1 Chronicles 28:20
Instruction of
General references
Exodus 13:8-10; Exodus 13:14-16; Deuteronomy 4:9-10; Deuteronomy 6:6-9; Deuteronomy 11:19-20; Deuteronomy 31:12-13; Joshua 8:35; Psalms 34:11; Psalms 78:1-8; Proverbs 1:1; Proverbs 1:4; Proverbs 22:6; Isaiah 28:9-10; Joel 1:3; John 21:15; Acts 22:3
Young Men; Tutor
False instruction of
Mark 7:9-13
Prayer in behalf of
Genesis 17:18; 2 Samuel 12:16; 1 Chronicles 22:12; 1 Chronicles 29:19; Job 1:5
Promises and assurances to
General references
Proverbs 3:1-10; Proverbs 8:17; Proverbs 8:32; Proverbs 23:15-16; Proverbs 23:24-25; Proverbs 29:3; Isaiah 40:11; Isaiah 54:13; Matthew 18:4-5; Matthew 18:10; Mark 9:37; Luke 9:48; Matthew 19:14-15; Luke 18:15-16; Mark 10:13-16; Acts 2:39; 1 John 2:12-13
Young Men
Of the righteous, Blessed of God
Genesis 6:18; Genesis 7:1; Genesis 12:7; Genesis 13:15; Genesis 17:7-8; Genesis 19:12; Genesis 19:15-16; Genesis 21:13; Genesis 26:3-4; Genesis 26:24; Leviticus 26:44-45; Deuteronomy 4:37; Deuteronomy 10:15; Deuteronomy 12:28; 1 Kings 11:13; 1 Kings 15:4; 2 Kings 8:19; Psalms 37:26; Psalms 102:28; Psalms 103:17-18; Psalms 112:2-3; Proverbs 3:33; Proverbs 11:21; Proverbs 12:7; Proverbs 13:22; Proverbs 20:7; Isaiah 44:3-5; Isaiah 65:23; Jeremiah 32:39; Acts 2:39; 1 Corinthians 7:14
Correction of
Proverbs 13:24; Proverbs 19:18; Proverbs 22:15; Proverbs 23:13-14; Proverbs 29:15; Proverbs 29:17; Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21
Punishment of
Exodus 21:15; Exodus 21:17; Leviticus 20:9; Deuteronomy 21:18-21; Deuteronomy 27:16; Matthew 15:4; Mark 7:10
The Lord is with
1 Samuel 3:19
Know the scriptures
2 Timothy 3:15
Their obedience to parents is well pleasing to God
Colossians 3:20
Partake of the promises of God
Acts 2:39
Shall be blessed
Proverbs 3:1-4; Ephesians 6:2-3
Show love to parents
Genesis 46:29
Obey parents
Genesis 28:7; Genesis 47:30
Attend to parental teaching
Proverbs 13:1
Take care of parents
Genesis 45:9-11; Genesis 47:12; Matthew 15:5
Make their parents' hearts glad
Proverbs 10:1; Proverbs 23:24; Proverbs 29:17
Honor the aged
Job 32:6-7
Character of, illustrates conversion
Matthew 18:3
Illustrative of a teachable spirit
Matthew 18:4
Unclassified Scriptures relating to
Nehemiah 12:43; Proverbs 10:1; Proverbs 13:1; Proverbs 15:5; Proverbs 15:20; Proverbs 28:7; Ecclesiastes 4:13; Malachi 1:6; Matthew 21:15-16; Psalms 8:2
Instances of:
Shem and Japheth
Genesis 9:23
Genesis 22:6-12
Genesis 28:6-9
Genesis 44:18-34
Genesis 45:9-13; Genesis 46:29; Genesis 47:11-12; Genesis 48:12; Genesis 50:1-13
Exodus 15:2; Exodus 18:7
Jephthah's daughter
Judges 11:36
Judges 13:24
Ruth 1:15-17
1 Samuel 2:26; 1 Samuel 3:10
1 Samuel 9:5
1 Samuel 22:3-4; Psalms 71:5; Psalms 71:17
1 Kings 2:19-20; 1 Kings 3:3-13
1 Kings 14:13
1 Kings 18:12
1 Kings 22:43; 2 Chronicles 17:3
The Israelitish maid, captive in Syria
2 Kings 5:2-4
Jewish children
2 Chronicles 20:13; Nehemiah 8:3
2 Chronicles 34:1-3
Job 29:4
Job 32:4-7
Jeremiah 1:5-7
Children in the temple
Matthew 21:15
Luke 1:80
Luke 2:52
2 Timothy 1:5; 2 Timothy 3:15
General references
Genesis 8:21; Exodus 21:15; Exodus 21:17; Mark 7:10; Numbers 32:14; Deuteronomy 21:18-21; Deuteronomy 27:16; Job 13:26; Job 19:18; Job 20:11; Job 30:1; Job 30:12; Psalms 144:7-8; Psalms 144:11; Proverbs 7:7; Proverbs 10:1; Proverbs 13:1; Proverbs 15:5; Proverbs 15:20; Proverbs 17:2; Proverbs 17:21; Proverbs 17:25; Proverbs 19:13; Proverbs 19:26; Proverbs 20:20; Proverbs 22:15; Proverbs 23:22; Proverbs 28:7; Proverbs 28:24; Proverbs 30:11; Proverbs 30:17; Ecclesiastes 11:9-10; Isaiah 3:5; Jeremiah 3:25; Jeremiah 7:17-18; Jeremiah 32:30; Ezekiel 22:7; Micah 7:6; Mark 13:12; Romans 1:30; 2 Timothy 3:2
Wicked, instances of:
Genesis 9:25
Lot's daughters
Genesis 19:14; Genesis 19:30-38
Genesis 21:9
Eli's sons
1 Samuel 2:12; 1 Samuel 2:22-25
Samuel's sons
1 Samuel 8:3
1 Samuel 10:15
1 Kings 1:5
1 Kings 15:3
1 Kings 22:52
Children at Beth-El
2 Kings 2:23-24
Samaritans' descendants
2 Kings 17:41
Adrammelech and Sharezer
2 Kings 19:37; 2 Chronicles 32:21
2 Kings 21:21
Sennacherib's sons
2 Kings 19:37
Worship, attend divine
Joshua 8:35; 2 Chronicles 20:13; 2 Chronicles 31:16; Ezra 8:21; Nehemiah 8:2-3; Nehemiah 12:43; Matthew 21:15; Luke 2:46
Symbolic of the regenerated
Matthew 18:2-6; Mark 9:36-37; Mark 10:15; Luke 9:46-48
General references
1 Corinthians 13:11; 1 Corinthians 14:20; 1 Peter 2:2
Babes; Young Men
The blessing of offspring, but especially of the male sex, is highly valued among all eastern nations, while a the absence is regarded as one of the severest punishments. (Genesis 16:2; 7:14; 1 Samuel 1:6; 2 Samuel 6:23; 2 Kings 4:14; Isaiah 47:9; Jeremiah 20:15; Psalms 127:3,5) As soon as the child was born it was washed in a bath, rubbed with salt and wrapped in swaddling clothes. (Ezekiel 16:4; Job 38:9; Luke 2:7) On the 8th day the rite of circumcision, in the case of a boy, was performed and a name given. At the end of a certain time (forty days if a son and twice as long if a daughter) the mother offered sacrifice for her cleansing. (Leviticus 12:1-8; Luke 2:22) The period of nursing appears to have been sometimes prolonged to three years. (Isaiah 49:15) 2 Macc. 7.27. The time of weaning was an occasion of rejoicing. (Genesis 21:8) Both boys and girls in their early years were under the care of the women. (Proverbs 31:1) Afterwards the boys were taken by the father under his charge. Daughters usually remained in the women's apartments till marriage. (Leviticus 21:9; Numbers 12:14; 1 Samuel 9:11) The authority of parents, especially of the father, over children was very great, as was also the reverence enjoined by the law to be paid to parents. The inheritance was divided equally between all the sons except the eldest, who received a double portion. (Genesis 25:31; 49:3; 21:17; Judges 11:2,7; 1 Chronicles 5:1,2) Daughters had by right no portion in the inheritance; but if a man had no son, his inheritance passed to his daughters, who were forbidden to marry out of the father's tribe. (Numbers 27:1,8; 36:2,8)
CHILDREN, noun plural Of child.
See Righteous

Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Exodus 2:8
- Last Reference: Matthew 2:20
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: No
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: No