
Bible Usage:
- affection used 6 times.
- affectionately used once.
- affectioned used once.
- affections used twice.
- First Reference: 1 Chronicles 29:3
- Last Reference: 2 Timothy 3:3
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
Feeling or emotion. Mention is made of "vile affections" (Romans 1:26) and "inordinate affection" (Colossians 3:5). Christians are exhorted to set their affections on things above (Colossians 3:2). There is a distinction between natural and spiritual or gracious affections (Ezekiel 33:32).
1. The state of being affected. [Little used.]
2. Passion; but more generally,
3. A bent of mind towards a particular object, holding a middle place between disposition, which is natural, and passion, which is excited by the presence of its exciting object. affection is a permanent bent of the mind, formed by the presence of an object, or by some act of another person, and existing without the presence of its object.
4. In a more particular sense, a settle good will, love or zealous attachment; as, the affection of a parent for his child. It was formerly followed by to or towards, but is now more generally followed by far.
5. Desire; inclination; propensity, good or evil; as, virtuous or vile affections. Romans 1:31. Galatians 5:24.
6. In a general sense, an attribute, quality or property, which is inseparable from its object; as, love, fear and hope are affections of the mind; figure, weight, etc., are affections of bodies.
7. Among physicians, a disease, or any particular morbid state of the body; as, a gouty affection; hysteric affection
8. In painting, a lively representation of passion.
Shakespeare uses the word for affectation; but this use is not legitimate.
AFFEC'TIONATE, adjective
1. Having great love, or affection; fond; as, an affectionate brother.
2. Warm in affection; zealous.
Man, in his love to God, and desire to please him, can never be too affectionate
3. Proceeding from affection; indicating love; benevolent; tender; as, the affectionate care of a parent; an affectionate countenance.
4. Inclined to; warmly attached. [Little used.]
AFFEC'TIONATELY, adverb With affection; fondly; tenderly; kindly. 1 Thessalonians 2:8.
AFFEC'TIONATENESS, noun Fondness; goodwill; affection.
AFFEC'TIONED, adjective
1. Disposed; having an affection of heart.
Be ye kindly affectioned one to another. Romans 12:10.
2. Affected; conceited. obsolete
Should be supremely set upon God
Deuteronomy 6:5; Mark 12:30
Should be set upon:
The commandments of God
Psalms 19:8-10; Psalms 119:20; Psalms 119:97; Psalms 119:103; Psalms 119:167
The house and worship of God
1 Chronicles 29:3; Psalms 26:8; Psalms 27:4; Psalms 84:1-2
The people of God
Psalms 16:3; Romans 12:10; 2 Corinthians 7:13-16; 1 Thessalonians 2:8
Heavenly things
Colossians 3:1-2
Should be zealously engaged for God
Psalms 69:9; Psalms 119:139; Galatians 4:18
Christ claims the first place in
Matthew 10:37; Luke 14:26
Enkindled by communion with Christ
Luke 24:32
Blessedness of making God the object of
Psalms 91:14
Should not grow cold
Psalms 106:12-13; Matthew 24:12; Galatians 4:15; Revelation 2:4
Of saints, supremely set on God
Psalms 42:1; Psalms 73:25; Psalms 119:10
Of the wicked, not sincerely set on God
Isaiah 58:1-2; Ezekiel 33:31-32; Luke 8:13
Carnal, should be mortified
Romans 8:13; Romans 13:14; 1 Corinthians 9:27; Colossians 3:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:5
Carnal affections crucified in saints
Romans 6:6; Galatians 5:24
False teachers seek to captivate
Galatians 1:10; Galatians 4:17; 2 Timothy 3:6; 2 Peter 2:3; 2 Peter 2:18; Revelation 2:14; Revelation 2:20
Of the wicked, are unnatural and perverted
Romans 1:31; 2 Timothy 3:3; 2 Peter 2:10

Bible Usage:
- affection used 6 times.
- affectionately used once.
- affectioned used once.
- affections used twice.
- First Reference: 1 Chronicles 29:3
- Last Reference: 2 Timothy 3:3
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance: