



The Bible

Bible Usage:


  • Included in Eastons: Yes
  • Included in Hitchcocks: No
  • Included in Naves: No
  • Included in Smiths: Yes
  • Included in Websters: Yes
  • Included in Strongs: Yes
  • Included in Thayers: Yes
  • Included in BDB: Yes

Strongs Concordance:

Easton's Bible Dictionary

(Heb. mittah), for rest at night (Exodus 8:3; 1 Samuel 19:13, 15, 16, etc.); during sickness (Genesis 47:31; 48:2; 49:33, etc.); as a sofa for rest (1 Samuel 28:23; Amos 3:12). Another Hebrew word (er'es) so rendered denotes a canopied bed, or a bed with curtains (Deuteronomy 3:11; Psalms 132:3), for sickness (Psalms 6:6; 41:3).

In the New Testament it denotes sometimes a litter with a coverlet (Matthew 9:2, 6; Luke 5:18; Acts 5:15).

The Jewish bedstead was frequently merely the divan or platform along the sides of the house, sometimes a very slight portable frame, sometimes only a mat or one or more quilts. The only material for bed-clothes is mentioned in 1 Samuel 19:13. Sleeping in the open air was not uncommon, the sleeper wrapping himself in his outer garment (Exodus 22:26, 27; Deuteronomy 24:12, 13).

Naves Topical Index

Made of wood
Song of Solomon 3:7-9

Made of iron
Deuteronomy 3:11

Made of ivory
Amos 6:4

Made of gold and silver
Esther 1:6

Used at meals
Amos 6:4

Exempt from execution for debt
Proverbs 22:27

Proverbs 7:17

Psalms 139:8

Smith's Bible Dictionary

The Jewish bed consisted of the mattress, a mere mat, or one or more quilts; the covering, a finer quilt, or sometimes the outer garment worn by day, (1 Samuel 19:13) which the law provided should not be kept in pledge after sunset, that the poor man might not lack his needful covering, (24:13) the pillow, (1 Samuel 19:13) probably formed of sheep's fleece or goat's skin with a stuffing of cotton, etc.; the bedstead, a divan or bench along the side or end of the room, sufficing at a support for the bedding. Besides we have bedsteads made of ivory, wood, etc. referred to in (3:11; Amos 6:4) The ornamental portions were pillars and a canopy, Judith 13.9, ivory carvings, gold and silver, and probably mosaic work, purple and fine linen. (Esther 1:6; Solomon 3:9,10) The ordinary furniture of a bedchamber in private life is given in (2 Kings 4:10)

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

BED, noun [The sense is a lay or spread, from laying or setting.]

1. A place or an article of furniture to sleep and take rest on; in modern times, and among civilized men, a sack or tick filled with feathers or wool; but a bed may be made of straw or any other materials. The word bed includes often the bedstead.

2. Lodging; a convenient place for sleep.

3. Marriage; matrimonial connection.

George, the eldest son of his second bed

4. A plat or level piece of ground in a garden, usually a little raised above the adjoining ground.

5. The channel of a river, or that part in which the water usually flows.

6. Any hollow place, especially in the arts; a hollow place, in which any thing rests; as the bed of a mortar.

7. A layer; a stratum; an extended mass of any thing, whether upon the earth or within it; as a bed of sulphur; a bed of sand or clay.

8. Pain, torment. Revelation 2:22. The grave. Isaiah 57:7. The lawful use of wedlock. Hebrews 13:4.

The bed of the carriage of a gun is a thick plank which lies under the piece, being, as it were, the body of the carriage.

The bed of a mortar is a solid piece of oak, hollow in the middle, to receive the britch and half the trunnions.

In masonry, bed is a range of stones, and the joint of the bed is the mortar between two stones placed over each other.

BED of justice, in France, was a throne on which the king was seated when he went to parliament. Hence the phrase, to hold a bed of justice.

To make a bed is to put it in order after it has been used.

To bring to bed to deliver of a child, is rarely used. But in the passive form, to be brought to bed that is, to be delivered of a child, is common. It is often followed by of; as, to be brought to bed of a son.

To put to bed in midwifery, is to deliver of a child.

Dining bed or discubitory bed among the ancients, a bed on which persons lay at meals. It was four or five feet high, and would hold three or four persons. Three of these beds were ranged by a square table, one side of the table being left open, and accessible to the waiters. Hence the Latin name for the table and the room, triclinium, or three beds.

From bed and board. In law, a separation of man and wife, without dissolving the bands of matrimony, is called a separation from bed and board, a mensa et thoro. In this case the wife has a suitable maintenance allotted to her out of the husband's estate, called alimony.

BED, verb transitive To place in a bed

1. To go to bed with. [Unusual.]

2. To make partaker of the bed

3. To plant and inclose or cover; to set or lay and inclose; as, to bed the roots of a plant in soft mold.

4. To lay in any hollow place, surrounded or inclosed; as to bed a stone.

5. To lay in a place of rest or security, covered, surrounded or inclosed; as a fish bedded in sand, or under a bank.

6. To lay in a stratum; to stratify; to lay in order or flat; as bedded clay, bedded hairs

BED, verb transitive To cohabit; to use the same bed

If he be married and bed with his wife.

The Bible

Bible Usage:


  • Included in Eastons: Yes
  • Included in Hitchcocks: No
  • Included in Naves: No
  • Included in Smiths: Yes
  • Included in Websters: Yes
  • Included in Strongs: Yes
  • Included in Thayers: Yes
  • Included in BDB: Yes

Strongs Concordance: