
Bible Usage:
- First Reference: 2 Kings 21:5
- Last Reference: Luke 7:25
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
The enclosure of the tabernacle (Exodus 27:9-19; 40:8), of the temple (1 Kings 6:36), of a prison (Nehemiah 3:25), of a private house (2 Samuel 17:18), and of a king's palace (2 Kings 20:4).
General references
1 Chronicles 26:29-32; 2 Chronicles 19:8-11; Matthew 18:15-18; John 20:23
Church, The Collective Body of Believers, Rules of Discipline in, Mosaic and Christian
Held at the tabernacle
Numbers 27:2
Held at the gates of cities
Deuteronomy 21:19; Deuteronomy 22:15; Deuteronomy 25:7; Joshua 20:4; Ruth 4:1; Zech 8:16
Held under a palm tree
Judges 4:5
Composition of, and mode of procedure
Exodus 18:25-26; Deuteronomy 1:15-17; Deuteronomy 17:9; Ruth 4:2-5; 1 Chronicles 26:29-32; 2 Chronicles 19:8-11; Mark 14:53; Mark 14:55-65; Mark 15:1; Matthew 26:54-71; Luke 22:50-71; John 18:13-28; Acts 5:17-21; Acts 5:25-28; Acts 5:34; Acts 5:38-41
Judge; Justice; Priest, High, Duties of, Judicial
1 Samuel 7:15-17
Superior and inferior
Exodus 18:21-26; Deuteronomy 1:15-17; Deuteronomy 17:8-13; 2 Chronicles 19:5-10
Justice required of
General references
Exodus 23:2-3; Exodus 23:6-8; Deuteronomy 1:16-17; Deuteronomy 25:1; 2 Chronicles 19:5-10
Judge; Justice
Sentence of, final and obligatory
Deuteronomy 17:8-12
Contempt of
Deuteronomy 17:8-13; Micah 5:1; Acts 23:1-5
General references
Proverbs 17:15; Proverbs 29:26; Isaiah 1:23; Isaiah 5:23; Isaiah 10:1-2; Micah 3:11; Micah 7:3; Zephaniah 3:3; Matthew 26:59-62; Matthew 27:18-26; Mark 15:10; Mark 14:53; Mark 14:55-65; Acts 4:15-18; Acts 6:11-14; Acts 24:26-27
Bribery; Judge; Justice
Accused spoke in his own defense
General references
Jeremiah 26:11-16; Mark 15:3-5; Acts 4:8-12; Acts 4:18-20; Acts 5:29-32; Acts 7:1-56; Acts 23:1-7; Acts 26:1-32
Appeal; Punishment; Witness
(Heb. chatser), an open enclosure surrounded by buildings, applied in the Authorized Version most commonly to the enclosures of the tabernacle and the temple. (Exodus 27:9; 40:33; Leviticus 6:16; 1 Kings 6:36; 7:8; 2 Kings 23:12; 2 Chronicles 33:5) etc.
COURT, noun
1. A place in front of a house, inclosed by a wall or fence; in popular language, a court-yard.
2. A space inclosed by houses, broader than a street; or a space forming a kind of recess from a public street.
3. A palace; the place of residence of a king or sovereign prince.
4. The hall, chamber or place where justice is administered.
St. Paul was brought into the highest court in Athens.
5. Persons who compose the retinue or council of a king or emperor.
6. The persons or judges assembled for hearing and deciding causes, civil, criminal, military, naval or ecclesiastical; as a court of law; a court of chancery; a court martial; a court of admiralty; an ecclesiastical court; court baron; etc. Hence,
7. Any jurisdiction, civil, military, or ecclesiastical.
8. The art of pleasing; the art of insinuation; civility; flattery; address to gain favor. Hence the phrase, to make court to attempt to please by flattery and address.
9. In scripture, an inclosed part of the entrance into a palace or house. The tabernacle had one court; the temple, three. The first was the court of the Gentiles; the second, the court of Israel, in which the people worshiped; the third was the court of the priests, where the priests and Levites exercised their ministry. Hence places of public worship are called the courts of the Lord.
10. In the United States, a legislature consisting of two houses; as the General court of Massachusetts. The original constitution of Connecticut established a General court in 1639.
11. A session of the legislature.
COURT, verb transitive
1. In a general sense, to flatter; to endeavor to please by civilities and address; a use of the word derived from the manners of a court
2. To woo; to solicit for marriage.
A thousand court you, though they court in vain.
3. To attempt to gain by address; to solicit; to seek; as, to court commendation or applause.
COURT-BARON, noun A barons court; a court incident to a manor.
COURT-BRED, adjective [See Breed.] Bred at court.
COURT-BREEDING, noun Education at a court.
COURT-BUBBLE, noun The trifle of a court.
COURT-CHAPLAIN, noun A chaplain to a king or prince.
COURT-CUPBOARD, noun The sideboard of ancient days.
COURT-DAY, noun A day in which a court sits to administer justice.
COURT-DRESS, noun A dress suitable for an appearance at court of levee.
COURT-DRESSER, noun A flatterer.
COURTED, participle passive Flattered; wooed; solicited in marriage; sought.
COURTEOUS, adjective [from court.]
1. Polite; wellbred; being of elegant manners; civil; obliging; condescending; applied to persons.
2. Polite; civil; graceful; elegant; complaisant; applied to manners, etc.
COURTEOUSLY, adverb In a courteous manner; with obliging civility and condescension; complaisantly.
COURTEOUSNESS, noun Civility of manners; obliging condescension; complaisance.
COURTER, noun One who courts; one who solicits in marriage.
COURTESAN, noun A prostitute; a woman who prostitutes herself for hire, especially to men of rank.
See Manners
1. Elegance or politeness of manners; especially, politeness connected with kindness; civility; complaisance; as, the gentleman shows great courtesy to strangers; he treats his friends with great courtesy
2. An act of civility or respect; an act of kindness or favor performed with politeness.
3. The act of civility, respect or reverence, performed by a woman; a fall or inclination of the body, corresponding in design to the bow of a gentleman.
4. A favor; as, to hold upon courtesy that is, not of right, but by indulgence.
Tenure by courtesy or curtesy, is where a man marries a woman seized of an estate of inheritance, and has by her issue born alive, which was capable of inheriting her estate; in this case, on the death of his wife, he holds the lands for his life, as tenant by curtesy.
COURTESY, verb intransitive To perform an act of civiility, respect or reverence, as a woman. Note. This word was formerly applied to the other sex; but is now used only of the acts of reverence or civility, performed by women.
COURTESY, verb transitive To treat with civility. [Not in use.]
COURT-FASHION, noun The fashion of a court.
COURT-FAVOR, noun A favor or benefit bestowed by a court or prince.
COURT-HAND, noun The hand or manner of writing used in records and judicial proceedings.
COURT-HOUSE, noun A house in which established courts are held, or a house appropriated to courts and public meetings.
COURTIER, noun [from court.]
1. A man who attends or frequents the courts of princes.
2. One who courts or solicits the favor of another; one who flatters to please; one who possesses the art of gaining favor by address and complaisance.
There was not among all our princes a greater courtier of the people than Richard III.
COURTIERY, noun The manners of a courtier. [Not used.]
COURTING, participle present tense Flattering; attempting to gain by address; wooing; soliciting in marriage.
COURT-LADY, noun A lady who attends or is conversant in court.
COURT-LEET, noun A court of record held once a year, in particular hundred, lordship or manor, before the steward of the leet.
COURTLIKE, adjective Polite; elegant.
COURTLINESS, noun [See Courtly.] Elegance of manners; grace of mien; civility; complaisance with dignity.
COURTLING, noun A courtier; a retainer to a court.
COURTLY, adjective [court and like.] Relating to a court; elegant; polite with dignity; applied to men and manners; flattering, applied to language.
COURTLY, adverb In the manner of courts; elegantly; in a flattering manner.
COURT-MARTIAL, noun A court consisting of military or naval officers, for the trial of offences of a military character.
1. The act of soliciting favor.
2. The act of wooing in love; solicitation of a woman to marriage.
3. Civility; elegance of manners.

Bible Usage:
- First Reference: 2 Kings 21:5
- Last Reference: Luke 7:25
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance: