



The Bible

Bible Usage:


  • Included in Eastons: Yes
  • Included in Hitchcocks: No
  • Included in Naves: No
  • Included in Smiths: No
  • Included in Websters: Yes
  • Included in Strongs: Yes
  • Included in Thayers: No
  • Included in BDB: Yes

Strongs Concordance:


Easton's Bible Dictionary

For eating from (2 Kings 21:13). Judas dipped his hand with a "sop" or piece of bread in the same dish with our Lord, thereby indicating friendly intimacy (Matthew 26:23). The "lordly dish" in Judges 5:25 was probably the shallow drinking cup, usually of brass. In Judges 6:38 the same Hebrew word is rendered "bowl."

The dishes of the tabernacle were made of pure gold (Exodus 25:29; 37:16).

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISH, noun [Gr., Latin It is the same word as disk and desk, and seems to signify something flat, plain or extended.]

1. A broad open vessel, made of various materials, used for serving up meat and various kinds of food at the table. It is sometimes used for a deep hollow vessel for liquors.

2. The meat or provisions served in a dish Hence, any particular kind of food.

I have here a dish of doves.

We say, a dish of veal or venison; a cold dish; a warm dish; a delicious dish

3. Among miners, a trough in which ore is measure, about 28 inches long, 4 deep and 6 wide.

DISH, verb transitive To put in a dish; as, the meat is all dished, and ready for the table.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHABILLE, dishabil noun [See Habit.] An undress; a loose negligent dress for the morning. But see Deshabille, the French and more correct orthography. Dryden uses the word as a participle. Queens are not to be too negligently dressed or dishabille. In this use, he is not followed.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHABILLE, DISHABIL, noun [See Habit.] An undress; a loose negligent dress for the morning. But see Deshabille, the French and more correct orthography. Dryden uses the word as a participle. Queens are not to be too negligently dressed or dishabille In this use, he is not followed.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHABIT, verb transitive To drive from a habitation. [Not in use.]

Easton's Bible Dictionary

Antelope, the youngest son of Seir the Horite, head of one of the tribes of Idumaea (Genesis 36:21, 28, 30).

Hitchcock's Names Dictionary

a threshing

Naves Topical Index

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(antelope), the youngest son of Seir the Horite. (Genesis 36:21,28,30; 1 Chronicles 1:38,42)

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHARMONIOUS, adjective Incongruous. [See Unharmonious.]

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHARMONY, noun [dis and harmony.] Want of harmony; discord; incongruity. [Not used.]

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISH-CLOTH, DISH-CLOUT, noun A cloth used for washing and wiping dishes.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHEARTEN, verb transitive dishartn. [dis and heart.] To discourage; to deprive of courage; to depress the spirits; to deject; to impress with fear; as, it is weakness to be disheartened by small obstacles.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHEARTENED, participle passive Dishartned. Discouraged; depressed in spirits; cast down.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHEARTENING, participle present tense Dishartning. Discouraging; depressing the spirits.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHED, participle passive Put in a dish or dishes.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHEIR, verb transitive dizare. To debar from inheriting. [Not in use.]

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHERISON, noun [See Disherit.] The act of disinheriting, or cutting off from inheritance.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHERIT, verb transitive [See Heir.] To disinherit; to cut off from the possession or enjoyment of an inheritance. [See Disinherit, which is more generally used.]

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHERITANCE, noun The state of disheriting or of being disinherited.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHERITED, participle passive Cut off from an inheritance or hereditary succession.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHERITING, participle present tense Cutting off from an inheritance.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHEVEL, verb transitive [Latin] To spread the hair loosely; to suffer the hair of the head to hang negligently, and to flow without confinement; used chiefly in the passive participle.

DISHEVEL, verb intransitive To spread in disorder.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHEVELED, participle passive or adjective Hanging loosely and negligently without confinement; flowing in disorder; as disheveled locks.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHEVELING, participle present tense Spreading loosely.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHING, participle passive [See Dish.]

1. Putting in a dish or dishes.

2. adjective Concave; having the hollow form of a dish.

Hitchcock's Names Dictionary

fatness; ashes

Naves Topical Index

Smith's Bible Dictionary


  1. The fifth son of Seir. (Genesis 36:21,26,30; 1 Chronicles 1:38)

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHONEST, adjective Dizonest. [dis and honest.]

1. Void of honesty; destitute of probity, integrity or good faith; faithless; fraudulent; knavish; having or exercising a disposition to deceive, cheat and defraud; applied to persons; as a dishonest man.

2. Proceeding from fraud or marked by it; fraudulent; knavish; as a dishonest transaction.

3. Disgraced; dishonored; from the sense in Latin.

DISHONEST with lopped arms the youth appears.

4. Disgraceful; ignominious; from the Latin sense.

Inglorious triumphs, and dishonest scars.

5. Unchaste; lewd.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHONESTLY, adverb Dizonestly.

1. In a dishonest manner; without good faith, probity or integrity; with fraudulent views; knavishly.

2. Lewdly; unchastely.

Naves Topical Index

General references
Leviticus 6:2-7; Leviticus 19:13; Leviticus 19:35-36; Deuteronomy 25:13-16; Job 24:2-11; Psalms 37:21; Psalms 50:18; Psalms 62:10; Proverbs 3:27-28; Proverbs 11:1; Proverbs 20:10; Proverbs 20:14; Proverbs 20:17; Proverbs 20:23; Isaiah 32:7; Jeremiah 7:8-10; Jeremiah 9:4-6; Jeremiah 9:8; Jeremiah 22:13; Ezekiel 22:29; Hosea 4:1-2; Hosea 12:7; Amos 3:10; Amos 8:5; Micah 6:10-11; Nahum 3:1; Zephaniah 1:9; Zech 5:3-4; Luke 16:1-8; 1 Thessalonians 4:6; James 5:4

Instances of:

Abimelech's servants usurp a well of water
Genesis 21:25; Genesis 26:15-22

Jacob obtains his brother's birthright by unjust advantage
Genesis 25:29-33

Jacob steals his father's blessing
Genesis 27:6-29

Jacob steals Laban's flocks by skillful manipulation
Genesis 30:31-43

Rebekah's guile in Jacob's behalf
Genesis 27:6-17

Laban's treatment of Jacob
Genesis 29:21-30; Genesis 31:36-42

Rachel steals the household gods
Genesis 31:19

Simeon and Levi deceive the Shechemites
Genesis 34:15-31

Achan hides the wedge of gold and the Babylonish garment
Joshua 7:11-26

Micah steals eleven hundred pieces of silver
Judges 17:2

Micah's priest steals his images
Judges 18:14-21

Joab's guile in securing Absalom's return
2 Samuel 14:2-20

Ahab usurps Naboth's vineyard
1 Kings 21:2-16

Judas' hypocritical sympathy for the poor
John 12:6
Diplomacy; Hypocrisy; Injustice; Treason

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHONESTY, noun Dizonesty.

1. Want of probity, or integrity in principle; faithlessness; a disposition to cheat or defraud, or to deceive and betray; applied to persons.

2. Violation of trust or of justice; fraud; treachery; any deviation from probity or integrity; applied to acts.

3. Unchastity; incontinence; lewdness.

4. Deceit; wickedness; shame. 2 Corinthians 4:2.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHONOR, noun Dizonor. [dis and honor.] Reproach; disgrace; ignominy; shame; whatever constitutes a stain or blemish in the reputation.

It was not meet for us to see the kings dishonor Ezra 4:1.

It may express less than ignominy and infamy.

DISHONOR, verb transitive

1. To disgrace; to bring reproach or shame on; to stain the character of; to lessen reputation. The duelist dishonors himself to maintain his honor.

The impunity of the crimes of great men dishonors the administration of the laws.

2. To treat with indignity.

3. To violate the chastity of; to debauch.

4. To refuse or decline to accept or pay; as, to dishonor a bill of exchange.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary


1. Shameful; reproachful; base; vile; bringing shame on; staining the character, and lessening reputation. Every act of meanness, and every vice is dishonorable

2. Destitute of honor; as a dishonorable man.

3. In a state of neglect or disesteem.

He that is dishonorable in riches, how much more in poverty?

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHONORABLY, adverb Reproachfully; in a dishonorable manner.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHONORARY, adjective Dizonorary. Bringing dishonor on; tending to disgrace; lessening reputation.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHONORED, participle passive Disgraced; brought into disrepute.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHONORER, noun One who dishonors or disgraces; one who treats another with indignity.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHONORING, participle present tense Disgracing; bringing into disrepute; treating with indignity.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHORN, verb transitive [dis and horn.] To deprive of horns.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHORNED, participle passive Stripped of horns.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISHUMOR, noun [dis and humor.] Peevishness; ill humor. [Little used.]

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISH-WASHER, noun The name of a bird, the mergus.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DISH-WATER, noun Water in which dishes are washed.