



The Bible

Bible Usage:


  • Included in Eastons: No
  • Included in Hitchcocks: No
  • Included in Naves: No
  • Included in Smiths: No
  • Included in Websters: Yes
  • Included in Strongs: No
  • Included in Thayers: No
  • Included in BDB: No
Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DROP, noun [G.]

1. A small portion of any fluid in a spherical form, which falls at once from any body, or a globule of any fluid which is pendent, as if about to fall; a small portion of water falling in rain; as a drop of water; a drop of blood; a drop of laudanum.

2. A diamond hanging from the ear; an earring; something hanging in the form of a drop

3. A very small quantity of liquor; as, he had not drank a drop

4. The part of a gallows which sustains the criminal before he is executed, and which is suddenly dropped.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DROPLET, noun A little drop.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DROPPED, participle passive Let fall; distilled; laid aside; dismissed; let go; suffered to subside; sprinkled or variegated.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DROPPING, participle present tense Falling in globules; distilling; falling; laying aside; dismissing; quitting; suffering to rest or subside; variegating with ornaments like drops.


1. The act of dropping; a distilling; a falling.

2. That which drops.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DROPS, verb transitive [G.]

1. To pour or let fall in small portions or globules, as a fluid; to distill.

The heavens shall drop down dew. Deuteronomy 33:1.

2. To let fall as any substance; as, to drop the anchor; to drop a stone.

3. To let go; to dismiss; to lay aside; to quit; to leave; to permit to subside; as, to drop an affair; to drop a controversy; to drop a pursuit.

4. To utter slightly, briefly or casually; as, to drop a word in favor of a friend.

5. To insert indirectly, incidentally, or by way of digression; as, to drop a word of instruction in a letter

6. To lay aside; to dismiss from possession; as, to drop these frail bodies.

7. To leave; as, to drop a letter at the post office.

8. To set down and leave; as, the coach dropped a passenger at the inn.

9. To quit; to suffer to cease; as, to drop an acquaintance.

10. To let go; to dismiss from association; as, to drop a companion.

11. To suffer to end or come to nothing; as, to drop a fashion.

12. To bedrop; to speckle; to variegate, as if by sprinkling with drops; as a coat dropped with gold.

13. To lower; as, to drop the muzzle of a gun.

DROP, verb intransitive

1. To distill; to fall in small portions, globules or drops as a liquid. Water drops from the clouds or from the eaves.

2. To let drops fall; to discharge itself in drops

The heavens dropped at the presence of God. Psalms 68:1.

3. To fall; to descend suddenly or abruptly.

4. To fall spontaneously; as, ripe fruit drops from a tree.

5. To die, or to die suddenly. We see one friend after another dropping round us. They drop into the grave.

6. To come to an end; to cease; to be neglected and come to nothing; as, the affair dropped.

7. To come unexpectedly; with in or into; as, my old friend dropped in, a moment.

8. To fall short of a mark. [Not usual.]

Often it drops or overshoots.

9. To fall lower; as, the point of the spear dropped a little.

10. To be deep in extent.

Her main top-sail drops seventeen yards.

To drop astern, in seamens language, is to pass or move towards the stern; to move back; or to slacken the velocity of a vessel to let another pass beyond her.

To drop down, in seamens language, is to sail, row or move down a river, or toward the sea.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DROP-SERENE, noun A disease of the eye; amaurosis, or blindness from a diseased retina.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DROPSICAL, adjective [See Dropsy.]

1. Diseased with dropsy; hydropical; inclined to the dropsy; applied to persons.

2. Partaking of the nature of the dropsy; applied to disease.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DROPSIED, adjective Diseased with dropsy.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DROP-STONE, noun Spar in the shape of drops.

Easton's Bible Dictionary

Mentioned only in Luke 14:2. The man afflicted with it was cured by Christ on the Sabbath.

Naves Topical Index

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DROPSY, noun [L, Gr., water; the face. Formerly written hydropisy; whence by contraction, dropsy ] In medicine, an unnatural collection of water, in an part of the body, proceeding from a greater effusion of serum by the exhalant arteries, than the absorbents take up. It occurs most frequently in persons of lax habits, or in bodies debilitated by disease. The dropsy takes different names, according to the part affected; as ascites, or dropsy of the abdomen; hydrocephalus, or water in the head; anasarca, or a watery swelling over the whole body; etc.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

DROP-WORT, noun The name of a plant, the Spiraea filipendula. The hemlock drop-wort and the water drop-wort are species of Oenanthe.