
Bible Usage:
- hall used 8 times.
- First Reference: Matthew 27:27
- Last Reference: Acts 23:35
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: No
Strongs Concordance:
(Gr. aule, Luke 22:55; R.V., "court"), the open court or quadrangle belonging to the high priest's house. In Matthew 26:69 and Mark 14:66 this word is incorrectly rendered "palace" in the Authorized Version, but correctly "court" in the Revised Version. In John 10:1, 16 it means a "sheep-fold." In Matthew 27:27 and Mark 15:16 (A.V., "common hall;" R.V., "palace") it refers to the proetorium or residence of the Roman governor at Jerusalem. The "porch" in Matthew 26:71 is the entrance-hall or passage leading into the central court, which is open to the sky.
used of the court of the high priest's house. (Luke 22:55) In (Matthew 27:27) and Mark 15:16 "Hall" is synonymous with "pr'torium," which in (John 18:28) is in Authorized Version "judgment hall."
HALL, noun [Latin aula; Heb. a tent, a palace.]
1. In architecture, a large room at the entrance of a house or palace. In the houses of ministers of state, magistrates, etc., it is the place where they give audience and dispatch business.
2. An edifice in which courts of justice are held; as Westminster hall which was originally a royal palace, the kings of England formerly holding their parliaments and courts of judicature in their own dwellings, as is still the practice in Spain.
3. A manor-house, in which courts were formerly held.
4. A college, or large edifice belonging to a collegiate institution.
5. A room for a corporation or public assembly; as a town-hall; Fanueil hall in Boston, etc.
6. A collegiate body in the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
Praise, the name given to the group of Psalms 113-118, which are preeminently psalms of praise. It is called "The Egyptian Hallel," because it was chanted in the temple whilst the Passover lambs were being slain. It was chanted also on other festival occasions, as at Pentecost, the feast of Tabernacles, and the feast of Dedication. The Levites, standing before the altar, chanted it verse by verse, the people responding by repeating the verses or by intoned hallelujahs. It was also chanted in private families at the feast of Passover. This was probably the hymn which our Saviour and his disciples sung at the conclusion of the Passover supper kept by them in the upper room at Jerusalem (Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26).
There is also another group called "The Great Hallel," comprehending Psalms 118-136, which was recited on the first evening at the Passover supper and on occasions of great joy.
HALLELU'IAH, noun [Heb. praise ye Jah or Jehovah, to praise, that is, to throw, or raise the voice, to utter a loud sound; Latin ululo.]
Praise ye Jehovah; give praise to God; a word used in songs or praise, or a term of rejoicing in solemn ascriptions of thanksgiving to God. It is used as a noun, or as an exclamation.
Praise ye Jehovah, frequently rendered "Praise ye the LORD," stands at the beginning of ten of the psalms (106, 111-113, 135, 146-150), hence called "hallelujah psalms." From its frequent occurrence it grew into a formula of praise. The Greek form of the word (alleluia) is found in Revelation 19:1, 3, 4, 6.
praise the Lord
An exclamatory expression of praise or adoration.
Psalms 106:1; Psalms 111:1; Psalms 112:1; Psalms 113:1; Psalms 117:1; Psalms 135:1; Psalms 146:1; Psalms 146:10; Psalms 147:1; Psalms 148:1; Revelation 19:1
(praise ye the Lord). [ALLELUIA]
HAL'LIARD, noun [from hale, haul.] A rope or tackle for hoisting or lowering a sail.
HAL'LIER, noun A particular kind of net for catching birds.
saying nothing; an enchanter
(enchanter), one of the chief of the people who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah. (Nehemiah 10:24) (B.C. 410.)
HAL'LOO, verb intransitive To cry out; to exclaim with a loud voice; to call to by name, or by the word halloo
Country folks hallooed and hooted after me.
HAL'LOO, verb transitive To encourage with shouts.
Old John hallooes his hounds again.
1. To chase with shouts.
2. To call or shout to.
[This verb is regular, and pronounced with the accent on the first syllable.]
HALLOO', an exclamation, used as a call to invite attention.
HAL'LOOING, participle present tense Crying out; as a noun, a loud outcry.
To render sacred, to consecrate (Exodus 28:38; 29:1). This word is from the Saxon, and properly means "to make holy." The name of God is "hallowed", i.e., is reverenced as holy (Matthew 6:9).
HAL'LOW, verb transitive [Latin calleo, to be able.]
1. To make holy; to consecrate; to set apart for holy or religious use. Exodus 28:38. 1 Kings 8:64.
2. To devote to holy or religious exercises; to treat as sacred.
Hallow the sabbath day, to do no work therein. Jeremiah 17:22.
3. To reverence; to honor as sacred.
Hallowed be thy name.
HAL'LOWED, participle passive Consecrated to a sacred use, or to religious exercises; treated as sacred; reverenced.
HAL'LOWING, participle present tense Setting apart for sacred purposes; consecrating; devoting to religious exercises; reverencing.
HAL'LOWMAS,noun [See Mass.] The feast of All Souls.
HALLUCINA'TION, noun [Latin hallucinatio, from hallucinor, to blunder.]
1. Error; blunder; mistake. [Little used.]
2. In medicine, faulty sense [dysaesthesia, ] or erroneous imagination. Hallucinations of the senses, arise from some defect in the organs of sense, or from some unusual circumstances attending the object, as when it is seen by moonlight; and they are sometimes symptoms of general disease, as in fevers. Maniacal hallucinations arise from some imaginary or mistaken idea. Similar hallucinations occur in revery.

Bible Usage:
- hall used 8 times.
- First Reference: Matthew 27:27
- Last Reference: Acts 23:35
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: No
Strongs Concordance: