
Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Genesis 49:17
- Last Reference: Revelation 19:21
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: Yes
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
Always referred to in the Bible in connection with warlike operations, except Isaiah 28:28. The war-horse is described Job 39:19-25. For a long period after their settlement in Canaan the Israelites made no use of horses, according to the prohibition, Deuteronomy 17:16. David was the first to form a force of cavalry (2 Samuel 8:4). But Solomon, from his connection with Egypt, greatly multiplied their number (1 Kings 4:26; 10:26, 29). After this, horses were freely used in Israel (1 Kings 22:4; 2 Kings 3:7; 9:21, 33; 11:16). The furniture of the horse consisted simply of a bridle (Isaiah 30:28) and a curb (Psalms 32:9).
Description of:
Great strength
Job 39:19-25
Swifter than eagles
Jeremiah 4:13
Snorting and neighing of
Isaiah 5:28; Jeremiah 8:16
A vain thing for safety
Psalms 33:17; Proverbs 21:31
Used by, in war:
The Egyptians
Exodus 14:9; Exodus 15:19
The Israelites
1 Kings 22:4
Used for cavalry
2 Kings 18:23; Jeremiah 47:3; Jeremiah 51:21
Egypt famous for
Isaiah 31:1
Forbidden to kings of Israel
Deuteronomy 17:16
By Joshua
Joshua 11:6; Joshua 11:9
By David
2 Samuel 8:4
Israel reproved for keeping
Isaiah 2:7; Isaiah 31:1; Ezekiel 17:15; Hosea 14:3
From Egypt
1 Kings 10:28-29; 2 Chronicles 9:25; 2 Chronicles 9:28
From Babylon
Ezra 2:66; Nehemiah 7:68
Bits for
James 3:3
Bells for
Zech 14:20
Harness for
Jeremiah 46:4
Color of
Zech 1:8
Commerce in
General references
Revelation 18:13
Horse, Exported
Dedicated to religious uses
2 Kings 23:11
Zech 1:8; Revelation 6:2-8; Revelation 9:17; Revelation 19:11-21
The most striking feature in the biblical notices of the horse is the exclusive application of it to warlike operations; in no instance is that useful animal employed for the purposes of ordinary locomotion or agriculture, if we except (Isaiah 28:28) The animated description of the horse in (Job 39:19-25) applies solely to the war-horse. The Hebrews in the patriarchal age, as a pastoral race, did not stand in need of the services Of the horse, and for a long period after their settlement in Canaan they dispensed with it, partly in consequence of the hilly nature of the country, which only admitted of the use of chariots in certain localities, (Judges 1:19) and partly in consequence to the prohibition in (17:16) which would be held to apply at all periods. David first established a force of cavalry and chariots, (2 Samuel 8:4) but the great supply of horses was subsequently effected by Solomon through his connection with Egypt. (1 Kings 4:26) Solomon also established a very active trade in horses, which were brought by dealers out of Egypt and resold, at a profit, to the Hittites. With regard to the trappings and management of the horse we have little information. The bridle was placed over the horse's nose, (Isaiah 30:28) and a bit or curb is also mentioned. (2 Kings 19:28; Psalms 32:9; Proverbs 26:3; Isaiah 37:29) In the Authorized Version it is incorrectly given "bridle," with the exception of (Psalms 32:1) ... Saddles were not used until a late period. The horses were not shod, and therefore hoofs are hard "as flint," (Isaiah 5:28) were regarded as a great merit. The chariot-horses were covered with embroidered trappings (Ezekiel 27:20) Horses and chariots were used also in idolatrous processions, as noticed in regard to the sun. (2 Kings 23:11)
HORSE, noun hors.
1. A species of quadrupeds of the genus Equus, having six erect and parallel fore-teeth in the upper jaw, and six somewhat prominent in the under jaw; the dog teeth are solitary, and the feet consist of an undivided hoof. The horse is a beautiful animal, and of great use for draught or conveyance on his back. horse in English, is of common gender, and may comprehend the male and female.
2. A constellation.
3. Cavalry; a body of troops serving on horseback. In this sense, it has no plural termination. We say, a thousand horse a regiment of horse
4. A machine by which something is supported; usually a wooden frame with legs. Various machines used in the arts are thus called.
5. A wooden machine on which soldiers ride by way of punishment; sometimes called a timber-mare.
6. In seamen's language, a rope extending from the middle of a yard to its extremity, to support the sailors while they loose, reef or furl the sails, also, a thick rope extended near the mast for hoisting a yard or extending a sail on it.
To take horse to set out to ride on horseback.
1. To be covered, as a mare.
HORSE, verb transitive To mount on a horse
1. To carry on the back.
The keeper, horsing a deer.
2. To ride astride; as ridges horsed.
3. To cover a mare, as the male.
HORSEBACK, noun hors'back. The state of being on a horse; the posture of riding on a horse.
I saw them salute on horseback
HORSEBEAN, noun A small bean usually given to horses.
HORSEBLOCK, noun A block or state that assists persons in mounting and dismounting from a horse.
HORSEBOAT, noun A boat used in conveying horses over a river or other water.
1. A boat moved by horses; a new species of ferry-boat.
HORSEBOY, noun A boy employed in dressing and tending horses; a stable boy.
HORSEBREAKER, noun One whose employment is to break horses, or to teach them to draw or carry.
HORSE-CHESTNUT, noun A large nut, the fruit of a species of Aesculus; or the tree that produces it. The tree is much cultivated for shade.
HORSECLOTH, noun A cloth to cover a horse.
HORSECOURSER, noun One that runs horses, or keeps horses for the race.
1. A dealer in horses.
HORSECRAB, noun A crustaceous fish.
HORSE-CU'CUMBER, noun A large green cucumber.
HORSEDEALER, noun One who buys and sells horses.
HORSEDRENCH, noun A dose of physic for a horse.
HORSEDUNG, noun The dung of horses.
HORSE-EMMET, noun A species of large ant.
HORSEFACED, adjective Having a long coarse face; ugly.
HORSEFLESH, noun The flesh of a horse.
HORSEFLY, noun A large fly that stings horses.
HORSEFOOT, noun A plant, called also coltsfoot.
A gate in the wall of Jerusalem, at the west end of the bridge, leading from Zion to the temple (Nehemiah 3:28; Jeremiah 31:40).
HORSEGUARDS, noun A body of cavalry for guards.
HORSEHAIR, noun The hair of horses.
HORSEHOE, verb transitive To hoe or clean a field by means of horses.
HORSE-KEEPER, noun One who keeps or takes care of horses.
HORSEKNAVE, noun A groom.
HORSELAUGH, noun A loud, boisterous laugh.
Occurs only in Proverbs 30:15 (Heb. alukah); the generic name for any blood-sucking annelid. There are various species in the marshes and pools of Palestine. That here referred to, the Hoemopis, is remarkable for the coarseness of its bite, and is therefore not used for medical purposes. They are spoken of in the East with feelings of aversion and horror, because of their propensity to fasten on the tongue and nostrils of horses when they come to drink out of the pools. The medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis), besides other species of leeches, are common in the waters of Syria.
Heb. 'alukah , occurs once only, viz. (Proverbs 30:16) There is little doubt that 'alukah denotes some species of leech, or rather is the generic term for any blood-sucking annelid.
HORSELEECH, noun A large leech. [See Leech.]
1. A farrier.
HORSELITTER, noun A carriage hung on poles which are borne by and between two horses.
HORSELOAD, noun A load for a horse.
Heb. ba'al parash, "master of a horse." The "horsemen" mentioned Exodus 14:9 were "mounted men", i.e., men who rode in chariots. The army of Pharaoh consisted of a chariot and infantry force. We find that at a later period, however, the Egyptians had cavalry (2 Chronicles 12:3). (See HORSE.)
HORSEMAN, noun A rider on horseback.
1. A man skilled in riding.
2. A soldier who serves on horseback.
HORSEMANSHIP, noun The act of riding, and of training and managing horses.
HORSEMARTEN, noun A kind of large bee.
HORSEMATCH, noun A bird.
HORSEMEAT, noun Food for horses; provender.
HORSE-MILL, adjective A mill turned by a horse.
HORSE-MINT, noun A species of large mint.
HORSE-MUSCLE, noun A large muscle or shell-fish.
HORSEPATH, noun A path for horses, as by canals.
HORSEPLAY, noun Rough, rugged play.
HORSEPOND, noun A pond for watering horses.
HORSEPURSLANE, noun A plant of the genus Trianthema.
HORSERACE, noun A race by horses; a match of horses in running.
HORSERACING, noun The practice or act of running horses.
HORSERADISH, noun A plant of the genus Cochlearia, a species of scurvy grass, having a root of a pungent taste.
HORSESHOE, noun A shoe for horses, consisting of a plate of iron of a circular form.
HORSESHOE-HEAD, noun A disease of infants, in which the sutures of the skull are too open; opposed to headmold-shot.
HORSESHOE-VETCH, noun A plant of the genus Hippocrepis.
HORSETAIL, noun A plant of the genus Equisetum. The shrubby horsetail is of the genus Ephedra.
HORSETHIEF, noun A stealer of horses.
HORSETONGUE, noun A plant of the genus Ruscus.
HORSEWAY, noun A way or road in which horses may travel.
HORSEWHIP, noun A whip for driving or striking horses.
HORSEWORM, noun A worm that infests horses; a bott.

Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Genesis 49:17
- Last Reference: Revelation 19:21
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: Yes
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance: