
Bible Usage:
- long used 211 times.
- longed used 8 times.
- longedst used once.
- longer used 17 times.
- longeth used 4 times.
- longing used 3 times.
- First Reference: 2 Samuel 13:39
- Last Reference: Philippians 4:1
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
LONG, adjective [Latin longus.]
1. Extended; drawn out in a line, or in the direction of length; opposed to short, and contradistinguished from broad or wide. long is a relative term; for a thing may be long in respect to one thing, and short with respect to another. We apply long to things greatly extended, and to things which exceed the common measure. we say, a long way, a long distance, a long line, and long hair, long arms. By the latter terms, we mean hair and arms exceeding the usual length.
2. Drawn out or extended in time; as a long time; a long period of time; a long while; a long series of events; a long sickness or confinement; a long session; a long debate.
3. Extended to any certain measure expressed; as a span long; a yard long; a mile long that is, extended to the measure of a mile, etc.
4. Dilatory; continuing for an extended time.
5. Tedious; continued to a great length.
A tale should never be too long
6. Continued in a series to a great extent; as a long succession of princes; a long line of ancestors.
7. Continued in sound; protracted; as a long note; a long syllable.
8. Continued; lingering or longing.
Praying for him, and casting a long look that way, he saw the galley leave the pursuit.
9. Extensive; extending far in prospect or into futurity.
The perennial existence of bodies corporate and their fortunes, are things particularly suited to a man who has long views.
LONG home, the grave or death. Ecclesiastes 12:5.
LONG, noun Formerly, a musical note equal to two breves. obsolete
LONG, adverb
1. To a great extent in space; as a long extended line.
2. To a great extent in time; as, they that tarry long at the wine. Proverbs 23:17.
When the trumpet soundeth long Exodus 19:13.
So in composition we say, long-expected, long-forgot.
3. At a point of duration far distant, either prior or posterior; as not long before; not long after; long before the foundation of Rome; long after the conquest of Gaul by Julius Cesar.
4. Through the whole extent or duration of.
The God who fed me all my life long to this day. Genesis 48:15.
The bird of dawning singeth all night long
LONG, adverb
By means of; by the fault of; owing to. obsolete
Mistress, all this evil is long of you.
LONG, verb transitive To belong. [Not used.]
LONG, verb intransitive
1. To desire earnestly or eagerly.
I long to see you. Romans 1:11.
I have longed after thy precepts. Psalms 119:40.
I have longed for thy salvation. Psalms 119:40.
2. To have a preternatural craving appetite; as a longing woman.
3. To have an eager appetite; as, to long for fruit.
LONGANIM'ITY, noun [Latin longanimitas; longus, long, and animus, mind.]
Forbearance; patience; disposition to endure long under offenses.
LONG'BOAT, noun The largest and strongest boat belonging to a ship.
LON'GER, adjective [comparative of long.] More long; of greater length; as a longer course.
LON'GER, adverb For a greater duration. This evil can be endured no longer
LON'GEST, adjective Of the greatest extent; as the longest line.
LON'GEST, adverb For the greatest continuance of time. They who live longest are most convinced of the vanity of life.
LONGE'VAL, adjective [Latin longus and avum.] Long lived.
General references
Genesis 6:3; Exodus 20:12; 1 Kings 3:11-14; Job 5:26; Psalms 21:4; Psalms 34:11-13; Psalms 90:10; Psalms 91:16; Proverbs 3:1-2; Proverbs 3:16; Proverbs 9:11; Proverbs 10:27; Isaiah 65:20; 1 Peter 3:10-11
Old Age
Instances of:
Adam, 930 years
Genesis 5:5
Seth, 912 years
Genesis 5:8
Enos, 905 years
Genesis 5:11
Cainan, 910 years
Genesis 5:14
Mahalaleel, 895 years
Genesis 5:17
Jared, 962 years
Genesis 5:20
Enoch, 365 years
Genesis 5:23
Methuselah, 969 years
Genesis 5:27
Lamech, 777 years
Genesis 5:31
Noah, 950 years
Genesis 9:29
Genesis 11:11
Genesis 11:13
Genesis 11:15
Genesis 11:17
Genesis 11:19
Genesis 11:23
Genesis 11:25
Terah, 205 years
Genesis 11:32
Sarah, 127 years
Genesis 23:1
Abraham, 175 years
Genesis 25:7
Isaac, 180 years
Genesis 35:28
Jacob, 147 years
Genesis 47:28
Joseph, 110 years
Genesis 50:26
Amram, 137 years
Exodus 6:20
Aaron, 123 years
Numbers 33:39
Moses, 120 years
Deuteronomy 31:2; Deuteronomy 34:7
Joshua, 110 years
Joshua 24:29
Eli, 98 years
1 Samuel 4:15
Barzillai, 80 years
2 Samuel 19:32
Job 42:16
Jehoiada, 130 years
2 Chronicles 24:15
Luke 2:36-37
Philippians 1:9
LONGEV'ITY, noun [Latin longavitas; longus, long, and avum, age.]
Length or duration of life; more generally, great length of life.
The instances of longevity are chiefly among the abstemious.
LONGE'VOUS, adjective [Latin longavus, supra.] Living a long time; of great age.
LONG'-HEADED, adjective Having a great extent of thought.
LONGIM'ANOUS, adjective [Latin longus, long, and manus, hand.] Having long hands.
LONGIM'ETRY, noun [Latin longus, long, and Gr. measure.]
The art or practice of measuring distances or lengths, whether accessible or inaccessible.
LONG'ING, participle present tense Earnestly desiring; having a craving or preternatural appetite.
LONG'ING, noun An eager desire; a craving or preternatural appetite.
LONG'INGLY, adverb With eager wishes or appetite.
LONGIN'QUITY, noun [Latin longinquitas.] Great distance.
LONG'ISH, adjective Somewhat long; moderately long.
LON'GITUDE, noun [Latin longitudo, from longus, long.]
1. Properly length; as the longitude of a room; but in this sense not now used. Appropriately, in geography,
2. The distance of any place on the globe from another place, eastward or westward; or the distance of any place from a given meridian. Boston, in Massachusetts, is situated in the 71st degree of longitude west from Greenwich. To be able to ascertain precisely the longitude of a ship at sea, is a great desideratum in navigation.
3. The longitude of a star, is its distance from the equinoctial points, or the beginning of Aries or Libra.
LONGITU'DINAL, adjective
1. Pertaining to longitude or length; as longitudinal distance.
2. Extending in length; running lengthwise, as distinguished from transverse or across; as the longitudinal diameter of a body. The longitudinal suture of the head runs between the coronal and lamdoidal sutures.
LONGITU'DINALLY, adverb In the direction of length.
Some of the fibers of the human body are placed longitudinally others transversely.
LONG'LEGGED, adjective Having long legs.
LONG'LIVED, adjective Having along life or existence; living long; lasting long.
LONG'LY, adverb With longing desire. [Not used.]
LONG-MEASURE, noun Lineal measure; the measure of length.
LONG'NESS, noun Length. [Little used.]
LONG'PRIM'ER, noun A printing type of a particular size, between small pica and bourgeois.
LONG'SHANKED, adjective Having long legs.
LONG-SIGHT, noun Long-sightedness.
LONG-SIGHTED, adjective Able to see at a great distance; used literally of the eyes, and figuratively of the mind or intellect.
1. The faculty of seeing objects at a great distance.
2. In medicine, presbyopy; that defect of sight by which objects near at hand are seen confusedly, but at remoter distances distinctly.
LONG'SOME, adjective Extended in length; tiresome; tedious; as a longsome plain. obsolete
LONG'SPUN, adjective Spun or extended to a great length.
LONG-SUF'FERANCE, noun Forbearance to punish; clemency; patience.
General references
1 Corinthians 13:4; 1 Corinthians 13:7; 2 Corinthians 6:4-6; Galatians 5:22; Ephesians 4:1-2; Colossians 1:11; Colossians 3:12-13; 1 Timothy 1:16; 2 Timothy 3:10; 2 Timothy 4:2
Charitableness; God, Longsuffering of; Patience
LONG'SUF'FERING, adjective Bearing injuries or provocation for a long time; patient; not easily provoked.
The Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in goodness. Exodus 34:6.
LONG-SUF'FERING, noun Long endurance; patience of offense.
Despisest thou the riches of his goodness, and forbearance, and long-suffering? Romans 2:1.
aLONG'-TONGUED, adjective Rating; babbling.
LONGWAYS, a mistake for longwise.
LONG-WIND'ED, adjective Long breathed; tedious in speaking, argument or narration; as a long-winded advocate.
LONG'-WISE, adverb In the direction of length; lengthwise. [Little used.]

Bible Usage:
- long used 211 times.
- longed used 8 times.
- longedst used once.
- longer used 17 times.
- longeth used 4 times.
- longing used 3 times.
- First Reference: 2 Samuel 13:39
- Last Reference: Philippians 4:1
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance: