Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Genesis 1:5
- Last Reference: Revelation 22:5
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: Yes
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H1768 Used 1 time
- H2822 Used 1 time
- H3885 Used 16 times
- H3915 Used 200 times
- H3916 Used 4 times
- H4480 Used 2 times
- H5399 Used 3 times
- H570 Used 3 times
- H6153 Used 4 times
- H956 Used 1 time
- G2258 Used 1 time
- G3571 Used 60 times
General references
Genesis 1:5; Genesis 1:16; Genesis 1:18
Meditations in
Psalms 19:2; Psalms 77:6; Psalms 119:148; Psalms 139:11
Worship in
Psalms 134:1
Jesus prays all night
Luke 6:12
No night in heaven
Revelation 21:25; Revelation 22:5
Divided into watches
Exodus 14:24; Judges 7:19; 1 Samuel 11:11; Nehemiah 12:9; Psalms 63:6; Psalms 119:148; Lamentations 2:19; Matthew 14:25; Luke 12:38
Divided into hours
Acts 23:23
Used figuratively
Isaiah 15:1; Isaiah 21:11-12; John 9:4; Romans 13:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:5
NIGHT, noun [The sense may be dark, black, or it may be the decline of the day, from declining, departing.]
1. That part of the natural day when the sun is beneath the horizon, or the time from sunset to sunrise.
2. The time after the close of life; death. John 9:4.
She closed her eyes in everlasting night
3. A state of ignorance; intellectual and moral darkness; heathenish ignorance. Romans 13:12.
4. Adversity; a state of affliction and distress. Isaiah 21:4.
5. Obscurity; a state of concealment from the eye or the mind; unintelligibleness.
Nature and natures works lay hid in night
In the night suddenly; unexpectedly. Luke 12:20.
To-night, in this night To-night the moon will be eclipsed.
Forbidden as food
Leviticus 11:16; Deuteronomy 14:15
NIGHT-ANGLING, noun The angling for or catching fish in the night.
NIGHT-BIRD, noun A bird that flies only in the night.
NIGHT-BORN, adjective Produced in darkness.
NIGHT-BRAWLER, noun One who excites brawls or makes a tumult at night.
NIGHT-CAP, noun A cap worn in bed or in undress.
NIGHT-CROW, noun A fowl that cries in the night.
NIGHT-DEW, noun The dew formed in the night.
NIGHT-DOG, noun A dog that hunts in the night; used by deer-stealers.
NIGHT-DRESS, noun A dress worn at night.
NIGHTED, adjective Darkened; clouded; black. [Little used.]
NIGHTFALL, noun The close of the day; evening.
NIGHT-FARING, adjective Traveling in the night.
1. Ignis fatuus; Will with a wisp; Jack with a lantern.
2. Fire burning in the night.
NIGHT-FLY, noun An insect that flies in the night.
NIGHT-FOUNDED, adjective Lost or distressed in the night.
NIGHT-GOWN, noun A loose gown used for undress.
NIGHT-HAG, noun A witch supposed to wander in the night.
(Heb. tahmas) occurs only in the list of unclean birds (Leviticus 11:16; Deuteronomy 14:15). This was supposed to be the night-jar (Caprimulgus), allied to the swifts. The Hebrew word is derived from a root meaning "to scratch or tear the face," and may be best rendered, in accordance with the ancient versions, "an owl" (Strix flammea). The Revised Version renders "night-hawk."
The Hebrew word so translated, (Leviticus 11:10; 14:15) probably denotes some kind of owl.
1. A small bird that sings at night, of the genus Motacilla; Philomela or Philomel.
2. A word of endearment.
NIGHTISH, adjective Pertaining to night, or attached to the night.
NIGHTLY, adjective
1. Done by night; happening in the night, or appearing in the night; as nightly sports; nightly dews.
2. Done every night. The watch goes his nightly round.
NIGHTLY, adverb
1. By night.
Thee, Sion, and the flowery brooks beneath, nightly I visit.
2. Every night.
NIGHT-MAN, noun One who removes filth from cities in the night.
NIGHTMAR, noun Incubus; a sensation in sleep resembling the pressure of a weight on the breast or about the praecordia. It is usually the effect of indigestion or of a loaded stomach.
NIGHT-PIECE, noun A piece of painting so colored as to be supposed seen by candle-light.
NIGHT-RAIL, noun A loose robe or garment worn over the dress at night. [Not used.]
NIGHT-RAVEN, noun A fowl of ill omen that cries in the night.
NIGHT-REST, noun Rest or repose at night.
NIGHT-ROBBER, noun One that robs or steals in the night.
NIGHT-RULE, noun A tumult or frolick in the night.
NIGHTSHADE, noun A plant of the genus Solanum. The deadly nightshade is of the genus Atropa; the American nightshade of the genus Phytolacea; the bastard nightshade of the genus Rivina; the enchanter's nightshade of the genus Circaea; the Malabar nightshade of the genus Basella; and the three-leaved nightshade of the genus Trillium.
NIGHT-SHINING, adjective Shining in the night; luminous in darkness.
NIGHT-SHRIEK, noun A shriek or outcry in the night.
NIGHT-SPELL, noun A charm against accidents at night.
NIGHT-TRIPPING, adjective Tripping about in the night; as a night-tripping fairy.
NIGHT-VISION, noun A vision at night. Daniel 2:1.
NIGHT-WAKING, adjective Watching in the night.
NIGHT-WALK, noun A walk in the evening or night.
1. One that walks in his sleep; a somnambulist.
2. One that roves about in the night for evil purposes. Night-walkers are punishable by law.
NIGHT-WALKING, adjective Roving in the night.
NIGHT-WALKING, noun A roving in the streets at night with evil designs.
NIGHT-WANDERER, noun One roving at night.
NIGHT-WANDERING, adjective Wandering in the night.
NIGHT-WARBLING, adjective Warbling or singing in the night.
NIGHTWARD, adjective Approaching towards night.
1. A period in the night, as distinguished by the change of the watch. Night-watches, however, in the Psalms, seems to mean the night or time of sleep in general.
2. A watch or guard in the night.
NIGHT-WATCHER, noun One that watches in the night with evil designs.
NIGHT-WITCH, noun A night hag; a witch that appears in the night.