
Bible Usage:
- fast used 85 times.
- fasted used 15 times.
- fastest used once.
- fasting used 17 times.
- fastings used 4 times.
- First Reference: Esther 9:31
- Last Reference: 2 Corinthians 11:27
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
Observed on occasions of:
Public calamities
2 Samuel 1:12
Afflictions and Adversities
Psalms 35:13; Daniel 6:18
Private afflictions
2 Samuel 12:16
Approaching danger
Esther 4:16
Ordination of ministers
Acts 13:3; Acts 14:23
Accompanied by:
Daniel 9:3
Confession of sin
1 Samuel 7:6; Nehemiah 9:1-2
Deuteronomy 9:18; Nehemiah 9:1
During forty days:
Deuteronomy 9:9; Deuteronomy 9:18
Matthew 4:1-2; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-2
By John's disciples
Matthew 9:14
By Anna
Luke 2:37
By Pharisees
Matthew 9:14; Mark 2:18; Luke 18:12
By Cornelius
Acts 10:30
By Paul
2 Corinthians 6:5; 2 Corinthians 11:27
In times of bereavement:
Of the people of Jabesh-Gilead, for Saul and his sons
1 Samuel 31:13; 1 Chronicles 10:12
Of David, at the time of Saul's death
2 Samuel 1:12
Of Abner's death
2 Samuel 3:35
For three weeks, by Daniel
Daniel 10:2-3
Forty days by Moses
Exodus 24:18; Exodus 34:28; Deuteronomy 9:9; Deuteronomy 9:18
Forty days by Elijah
1 Kings 19:8
Forty days by Jesus
Matthew 4:2
Humiliation; Humility
Unclassified scriptures relating to
Ezra 8:21-23; Psalms 35:13; Psalms 69:10; Isaiah 58:3-7; Jeremiah 14:12; Daniel 10:2-3; Joel 1:14; Joel 2:12-13; Zech 7:5; Zech 8:19; Matthew 6:16-18; Matthew 9:14-15; Matthew 17:21; Acts 27:9; Acts 27:33-34; 1 Corinthians 7:5
Instances of:
Of the Israelites:
In the conflict between the other tribes with the tribe of Benjamin, on account of the wrong suffered by a Levite's concubine
Judges 20:26
When they went to Mizpeh for the ark
1 Samuel 7:6
Of David:
At the death of Saul
2 Samuel 1:12
During the sickness of the child born to him by Bath-Sheba
2 Samuel 12:16-22
While interceding in prayer for his friends
Psalms 35:13
In his zeal for Zion
Psalms 69:10
In prayer for himself and his adversaries
Psalms 109:4; Psalms 109:24
Of Ahab, when Elijah prophesied the destruction of himself and his house
1 Kings 21:20-29
Of Jehoshaphat, at the time of the invasion of the confederated armies of the Canaanites and Syrians
2 Chronicles 20:3
Of Ezra, on account of the idolatrous marriages of the Jews
Ezra 10:6
Of Nehemiah, on account of the desolation of Jerusalem and the temple
Nehemiah 1:4
Of the Jews:
When Jeremiah prophesied against Judea and Jerusalem
Jeremiah 36:9
In Babylon, with prayer for divine deliverance and guidance
Ezra 8:21; Ezra 8:23
Of Darius, when he put Daniel in the lion's den
Daniel 6:18
Of Daniel:
On account of the captivity of the people, with prayer for their deliverance
Daniel 9:3
At the time of his vision
Daniel 10:1-3
Ninevites, when Jonah preached to them
Jonah 3:5-10
By Paul, at the time of his conversion
Acts 9:9
Of the disciples, at the time of the consecration of Barnabas and Saul
Acts 13:2-3
Of the consecration of the elders
Acts 14:23
F'ASTING, participle present tense Abstaining from food.
F'ASTING, noun The act of abstaining from food.
F'ASTING-DAY, noun A day of fasting; a fast-day; a day of religious mortification and humiliation.

Bible Usage:
- fast used 85 times.
- fasted used 15 times.
- fastest used once.
- fasting used 17 times.
- fastings used 4 times.
- First Reference: Esther 9:31
- Last Reference: 2 Corinthians 11:27
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance: