
Bible Usage:
- fill used 49 times.
- filled used 159 times.
- filledst used twice.
- fillest used once.
- filleth used 6 times.
- filling used once.
- First Reference: Deuteronomy 6:11
- Last Reference: Ezekiel 27:33
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
FILL, verb transitive [Gr. allied perhaps to fold and felt; to stuff; Latin pilus, pileus. We are told that the Gr. to approach, signified originally to thrust or drive, Latin pello, and contracted, it is rendered to fill and is full.]
1. Properly, to press; to crowd; to stuff. Hence, to put or pour in, till the thing will hold no more; as, to fill a basket, a bottle, a vessel.
FILL the water pots with water:and they filled them to the brim. John 2:7.
2. To store; to supply with abundance.
Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas. Genesis 1:22.
3. To cause to abound; to make universally prevalent.
The earth was filled with violence. Genesis 6:11.
4. To satisfy; to content.
Whence should we have so much bread in the wilderness, as to fill so great a multitude? Matthew 15:33.
5. To glut; to surfeit.
Things that are sweet and fat are more filing.
6. To make plump; as, in a good season the grain is well filled. In the summer of 1816, the driest and coldest which the oldest man remembered, the rye was so well filled, that the grain protruded beyond the husk, and a shock yielded a peck more than in common years.
7. To press and dilate on all sides or to the extremities; as, the sails were filled.
8. To supply with liquor; to pour into; as, to fill a glass for a guest.
9. To supply with an incumbent; as, to fill an office or vacancy.
10. To hold; to possess and perform the duties of; to officiate in, as an incumbent; as, a king fills a throne; the president fills the office of chief magistrate; the speaker of the house fills the chair.
11. In seamanship, to brace the sails so that the wind will bear upon them and dilate them.
To fill out, to extend or enlarge to the desired limit.
1. To fill up, to make full.
It pours the bliss that fills up all the mind.
But in this and many other cases, the use of up weakens the force of the phrase.
2. To occupy; to fill Seek to fill up life with useful employments.
3. To fill; to occupy the whole extent; as, to fill up a given space.
4. To engage or employ; as, to fill up time.
5. To complete; as, to fill up the measure of sin. Matthew 23:32.
6. To complete; to accomplish.
And fill up what is behind of the afflictions of Christ.
FILL, verb intransitive
1. To fill a cup or glass for drinking; to give to drink.
In the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double.
2. To grow or become full. corn fills well in a warm season. A mill pond fills during the night.
3. To glut; to satiate.
To fill up, to grow or become full. The channel of the river fills up with sand, every spring.
FILL, noun Fullness; as much as supplies want; as much as gives complete satisfaction. Eat and drink to the fill take your fill of joy.
The land shall yield her fruit, and ye shall eat your fill and dwell therein in safety. Leviticus 25:19.
FILLAGREE. [See Filigrane.]
FILL'ED, participle passive Made full; supplied with abundance.
FILL'ER, noun
1. One who fills; one whose employment is to fill vessels.
They have six diggers to four fillers, so as to keep the fillers always at work.
2. That which fills any space.
3. One that supplies abundantly.
FIL'LET, noun [Latin filum.]
1. A little band to tie about the hair of the head.
A belt her waist, a fillet binds her hair.
2. The fleshy part of the thigh; applied to veal; as a fillet of veal.
3. Meat rolled together and tied round.
4. In architecture, a little square member or ornament used in divers places, but generally as a corona over a greater molding; called also listel.
5. In heraldry, a kind of orle or bordure, containing only the third or fourth part of the breadth of the common bordure. it runs quite round near the edge, as a lace over a cloke.
6. Among painters and gilders, a little rule or reglet of leaf-gold, drawn over certain moldings, or on the edges of frames, pannels, etc., especially when painted white, by way of enrichment.
7. In the manege, the loins of a horse, beginning at the place where the hinder part of the saddle rests.
FIL'LET, verb transitive
1. to bind with a fillet or little band.
2. To adorn with an astragal. Exodus 38:10.
Heb. hashukum, plur., joinings (Exodus 27:17; 38:17, 28), the rods by which the tops of the columns around the tabernacle court were joined together, and from which the curtains were suspended (Exodus 27:10, 11; 36:38).
In Jeremiah 52:21 the rendering of a different word, hut, meaning a "thread," and designating a measuring-line of 12 cubits in length for the circumference of the copper pillars of Solomon's temple.
FIL'LIBEG, noun A little plaid; a dress reaching only to the knees, worn in the highlands of Scotland.
FILL'ING, participle present tense Making full; supplying abundantly; growing full.
FILL'ING, noun
1. A making full; supply.
2. The woof in weaving.
FIL'LIP, verb transitive [probably from the root of Latin pello, like pelt. See Filly.]
To strike with the nail of the finger, first placed against the ball of the thumb, and forced from that position with some violence.
FIL'LIP, noun a jerk of the finger forced suddenly from the thumb.
FIL'LY, noun [Latin filia, Eng. foal, a shoot, issue.]
1. A female or mare colt; a young mare.
2. A young horse. [Not used.]
3. A wanton girl.

Bible Usage:
- fill used 49 times.
- filled used 159 times.
- filledst used twice.
- fillest used once.
- filleth used 6 times.
- filling used once.
- First Reference: Deuteronomy 6:11
- Last Reference: Ezekiel 27:33
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance: